Heading along the old mining Road, Granite Mountain visible ahead.

Continuing along the old mining road. The ridge we would head to is right of center.

We left the mining road, did some minor bushwhacking, and started our ascent.

Steep and with some zig-zagging to avoid brush/cacti.

View back down the slope, you can see the old mining road we came in on in the center.

View toward Silver Peak as we make progress up the slope.

Granite Mountain's false summit visible top right. This shot was taken at the top of the steep slope as enter more gentle terrain.

View back as we continue along the less-steep middle section of the route.

Navigating a boulder maze.

The crux of the hike - I recommend keeping left of the ridge crest and navigating through the boulders to keep the route Class 2/2+. You can avoid most of the harder stuff by staying left.

Whiley puzzling out the best option.

Past the bouldery obstacles, we reached the second steep slope. It's tempting to stick to the ridge crest, but instead stay to the left. There is at least one very good animal/social trail that avoids all brush.

View back as we start up the slope.

Class 2 and brush along the ridge, avoidable by staying to the east side. Silver Peak visible top left.

Ascending the slope, left of the crest.

Making progress. You can see a rock outcropping above, marking Granite Mountain's summit.

Rocky outcrop. We kept to the right, Class 2+.

View down from the top of the rocky outcrop, Silver Peak visible top left.

Granite Mountain summit, view south.

Granite Mountain summit, view west.

Granite Mountain summit, view back along the ridge. Our cars are on the right somewhere. Silver Peak on the left.
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