Grand Turk and Sultan Mountain in San Juan National Forest, CO

Hike Grand Turk and Sultan Mountain San Juan National Forest, CO

Class 2 8.9 miles 3800 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Aug 23, 2020

Grand Turk and Sultan Mountain GPX Track

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For the final day of my extended Colorado trip, I wanted to take it easier and enjoy some colorful peaks on gorgeous San Juan tundra. These 13ers just ouside of Silverton did the trick. While most of the route includes trails of some form, part of the approach does not, which I have marked on the attached map.

From Little Molas Lake, a popular parking lot accessible by any car, I followed the Colorado Trail for a while on minor switchbacks until the trail started west and would not return for a while. I left the trail here and continued on a pleasant grassy slope, slowly acending. While any number of routes will lead through the grassy slope to the base of the peaks, I recommend following mine if possible. It avoids some of the steeper options as it goes. I did pass over what appeared to be an old trail, but after following it for a while, realized it didn't go anywhere helpful (I since removed that from the map). I soon made it to a viewpoint toward the cliff-banded base of the peaks, where a weakness in the cliffs would provide a nice trail up to the ridge above. Keeping high, I was able to avoid any bushwhacking at all as I descended into the drainage caused by the weakness. Across the drainage and partially up the opposite grassy slope, I noticed a well-traveled social trail (I have no idea where it comes from). I headed straight for it, following it into the weakness and up to pretty rolling tundra above. My first objective was West Turkshead Peak, a short detour to the west. The social trail didn't continue to this peak, but it was just a grassy slope up the ridge and easy to attain. The views of the Twilights to the south, the colorful Vermilion group to the northwest, and the ridgeline to come to the north were all quite lovely.

From West Turkshead Peak, I got back to the trail and followed it along the base of an unnamed peak, past a very short Class 2 section on loose rock, and up to an unranked peak, Spencer Peak. On my return, I would have to come almost back up to the summit of this minor peak. The ridgeline continued on a nice social trail that has eroded the otherwise unpleasant scree over to Grand Turk, the summit of which is set slightly to the east of the first high point encountered. I continued onward along the ridge to Sultan Mountain, some talus and minor scree along the way, with one minor Class 2 section. The summit views from Sultan Mountain were very nice, and after a few minutes of reflection about my trip and the massive drive back home, I headed back the same way I came. A trail leads a few hundred feet to the west of Grant Turk, meaning I didn't have to re-ascend all the way to the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
West Turkshead Peak
12849 ft
329 rise
Spencer Peak
13087 ft
247 rise
Grand Turk
13148 ft
372 rise
Sultan Mountain
13368 ft
1848 rise

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Starting along the Colorado Trail.
Starting along the Colorado Trail.
Along the Colorado Trail.
Along the Colorado Trail.
After leaving the Colorado Trail, continuing through open grasses.
After leaving the Colorado Trail, continuing through open grasses.
Looking back toward Little Molas Lake (left), and the grassy slope I ascended (right).
Looking back toward Little Molas Lake (left), and the grassy slope I ascended (right).
None of the peaks are visible yet, just some of the rocky ridges protecting the peaks from easy access. The route continues in the center of this photo, a weakness in the cliffs becoming apparent shortly.
None of the peaks are visible yet, just some of the rocky ridges protecting the peaks from easy access. The route continues in the center of this photo, a weakness in the cliffs becoming apparent shortly.
I stumbled on an animal trail that helped guide me through part of the approach, but really it's just meadow pretty much the whole way and overall not difficult.
I stumbled on an animal trail that helped guide me through part of the approach, but really it's just meadow pretty much the whole way and overall not difficult.
Looking back toward Little Molas Lake, North Twilight Peak visible on the right, Snowdon Peak center.
Looking back toward Little Molas Lake, North Twilight Peak visible on the right, Snowdon Peak center.
First view of the weakness in the cliffs, center. I recommend staying high, since there's a fair amount of brush as you approach the drainage ahead. West Turkshead Peak is visible top left.
First view of the weakness in the cliffs, center. I recommend staying high, since there's a fair amount of brush as you approach the drainage ahead. West Turkshead Peak is visible top left.
After avoiding pretty much all of the brush, I finished the descent into the drainage. You can't see it in this photo, but there's a social trail on the opposite side (right) that leads to the weakness. I crossed the drainage and headed up to it.
After avoiding pretty much all of the brush, I finished the descent into the drainage. You can't see it in this photo, but there's a social trail on the opposite side (right) that leads to the weakness. I crossed the drainage and headed up to it.
On the opposite side of the drainage, headed toward the weakness of a decent trail.
On the opposite side of the drainage, headed toward the weakness of a decent trail.
Looking back along the social trail. My route came from those trees just right of center, across the drainage, and up to the trail.
Looking back along the social trail. My route came from those trees just right of center, across the drainage, and up to the trail.
Approaching the weakness, just barely Class 2.
Approaching the weakness, just barely Class 2.
Looking back again before the trail takes me away from the weakness.
Looking back again before the trail takes me away from the weakness.
Continuing on the trail, which heads right beneath the hill ahead. I wanted to go up to West Turkshead Peak first, taking the grassy slope on the left.
Continuing on the trail, which heads right beneath the hill ahead. I wanted to go up to West Turkshead Peak first, taking the grassy slope on the left.
Looking back as I ascend the grassy slope to Turkshead Peak. The route from the cliff weakness came in on the right.
Looking back as I ascend the grassy slope to Turkshead Peak. The route from the cliff weakness came in on the right.
West Turkshead Peak, view south. Little Molas Lake visible on the left, North Twilight left of center, Engineer Mountain far right.
West Turkshead Peak, view south. Little Molas Lake visible on the left, North Twilight left of center, Engineer Mountain far right.
West Turkshead Peak, view north toward the peaks to come. The hill in the center is an unnamed point that the social trail completely avoids. Sultan Mountain is the big one on the left.
West Turkshead Peak, view north toward the peaks to come. The hill in the center is an unnamed point that the social trail completely avoids. Sultan Mountain is the big one on the left.
West Turkshead Peak, view west toward the Vermilion group and friends.
West Turkshead Peak, view west toward the Vermilion group and friends.
Back along the trail, avoiding an unnamed point and continuing to Spencer Peak.
Back along the trail, avoiding an unnamed point and continuing to Spencer Peak.
Looking back.
Looking back.
The rocky section in the center of this photo has some minor Class 2 steepness. Spencer Peak top right.
The rocky section in the center of this photo has some minor Class 2 steepness. Spencer Peak top right.
Looking back.
Looking back.
View as I start ascending to Spender Peak toward Sultan Mountain (left).
View as I start ascending to Spender Peak toward Sultan Mountain (left).
View back as I ascend to Spencer Peak.
View back as I ascend to Spencer Peak.
Spencer Peak, view toward Grand Turk (right of center), and Sultan Mountain (left).
Spencer Peak, view toward Grand Turk (right of center), and Sultan Mountain (left).
Looking back toward Spencer Peak as I ascend to Grand Turk.
Looking back toward Spencer Peak as I ascend to Grand Turk.
At the true summit of Grand Turk, Spencer Peak left and the false summit of Grand Turk on the right.
At the true summit of Grand Turk, Spencer Peak left and the false summit of Grand Turk on the right.
Continuing north from Grand Turk toward Sultan Mountain.
Continuing north from Grand Turk toward Sultan Mountain.
Mostly just easy talus walking, with one section of light Class 2 up Sultan Mountain.
Mostly just easy talus walking, with one section of light Class 2 up Sultan Mountain.
Looking back toward Grand Turk (left) and Spencer Peak (right).
Looking back toward Grand Turk (left) and Spencer Peak (right).
Sultan Mountain ahead.
Sultan Mountain ahead.
Sultan Mountain summit, view back toward Grand Turk (left of center), Spencer (right of center), West Turkshead Peak (far right).
Sultan Mountain summit, view back toward Grand Turk (left of center), Spencer (right of center), West Turkshead Peak (far right).
Sultan Mountain, view northeast toward Silverton, CO.
Sultan Mountain, view northeast toward Silverton, CO.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!