I started up the slope ahead, across the road from Henderson Hill Trailhead.

A bit brushy at times, but this was the worst of it.

View back down toward the Henderson Hill Trailhead.

Grand Castle's interesting hoodoos visible to the west.

Ascending the spur ridge.

A lone pinnacle on the way up.

View back down at my progress.

I reached the main east ridge of Grand Castle.

Grand Castle seen ahead on the right. There was a bit of a dip in the ridgeline along the way.

The route leads between the columns ahead.

View back at the dip in the ridgeline.

Some scree along the way.

Above the sandstone columns, view back.

Last bit to the summit.

View back the way I came.

Grand Castle summit, view north toward some nicely lit hoodoos across the canyon.

Grand Castle summit, view down toward the trailhead (center).

Grand Castle summit, view northwest.
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