Gothic Mountain in Gunnison National Forest, CO

Hike Gothic Mountain Gunnison National Forest, CO

Class 1 7.4 miles 3400 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Jul 27, 2023

Gothic Mountain GPX Track

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Gothic Mountain is a 12er located outside Crested Butte CO, prominent enough to offer excellent views of the surrounding areas and with a trail all the way to its summit. The Washington Gulch Trail is a point to point hike over the shoulder on the north side of Gothic Mountain, meaning reaching the summit can be done from either wing of the Washington Gulch Trail. One side begins on Gothic Road (CR-317) and the other along Washington Gulch Road (CR-811). I chose the latter since I wanted a backdrop of the Elk Range 13ers as I made my ascent and I was happy with my choice. In addition, driving in this way means passing beneath the gorgeous eroded pinnacles on the east side of Gothic Mountain, located on a plot of land for research by the nearby Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory.

Unsure how far I'd get today since I managed to start my trip right as Colorado's monsoon season began, I set out quickly along the initially steeply switchbacking slope. The slope was covered in low plants, meaning my views toward the wildly colorful Elks was superb and I took a few breaks truly just to enjoy them. The Washington Gulch Trail tamed out a bit after the first half mile or so, progressively ascending at a kinder pace. Gothic Mountain ahead poked through the trees. An open meadow filled with wildflowers gave way to forest, and then back into a meadow where I found myself on the north side of Gothic Mountain. A clear trail junction marked the spot where I should leave the Washington Gulch Trail and continue south. Descending a hundred feet or so along this side-trail led me back into the forest, where the trail was easy to follow, but had some downed trees serving as easy obstacles.

Now at the base of Gothic Mountain's north ridge, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at how steep the trail would be, considering how the peak had looked from afar. A steep few hundred feet led to easy hiking through tundra. I watched as dark clouds gathered, but ventured on when I didn't hear any thunder. As the grade steepened again, the slope became more rocky. The basins on Gothic Mountain's east face were impressive sights from this angle. I reached a trail junction, where keeping left took me to a false summit of Gothic Mountain, while the right wraps around it. I recommend just going up and over because you only add a few more vertical feet rather than side-hill on the lesser-traveled wraparound option. A short move smome might consider low Class 2 on the way up to the high point was the only notable obstacle. When I reached the summit of Gothic Mountain, I was awarded with a rainbow hovering over Crested Butte, as well as a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Gothic Mountain
12625 ft
1625 rise

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Starting up the Washington Gulch Trail.
Starting up the Washington Gulch Trail.
View back toward the trailhead and the taller peaks to the east.
View back toward the trailhead and the taller peaks to the east.
Switchbacks up the steep slope, excellent views along the way.
Switchbacks up the steep slope, excellent views along the way.
View back after the initially steep slope, Gothic Mountain visible on the right. I came up from the valley on the left.
View back after the initially steep slope, Gothic Mountain visible on the right. I came up from the valley on the left.
Gothic Mountain ahead, its steep northern ridge seen center.
Gothic Mountain ahead, its steep northern ridge seen center.
Pretty meadow walking.
Pretty meadow walking.
And also lovely forest.
And also lovely forest.
Junction, left leads to Gothic Mountain.
Junction, left leads to Gothic Mountain.
The trail is easy to follow, but had some deadfall.
The trail is easy to follow, but had some deadfall.
View back as I head toward the base of Gothic Mountain.
View back as I head toward the base of Gothic Mountain.
A bit of a dip before reaching the base.
A bit of a dip before reaching the base.
Starting up Gothic Mountain's steep north ridge.
Starting up Gothic Mountain's steep north ridge.
View back down at my progress.
View back down at my progress.
The trail continues steeply, but less so as it reaches the top of the first slope.
The trail continues steeply, but less so as it reaches the top of the first slope.
Another shot back along the north ridge. You can see the meadows I'd hiked through along the Washington Gulch Trail in the center, and the valley that houses Washington Gulch Road on the far right, where I started.
Another shot back along the north ridge. You can see the meadows I'd hiked through along the Washington Gulch Trail in the center, and the valley that houses Washington Gulch Road on the far right, where I started.
A view into the beautiful basin on the northeast side of Gothic Mountain.
A view into the beautiful basin on the northeast side of Gothic Mountain.
The trail continues along the ridge.
The trail continues along the ridge.
View back, Mount Baldy seen top left.
View back, Mount Baldy seen top left.
Tame trail for a bit leading up to a false summit.
Tame trail for a bit leading up to a false summit.
Continuing from the false summit to the true summit of Gothic Mountain.
Continuing from the false summit to the true summit of Gothic Mountain.
The only minor rock obstacle along the way. Some might consider this low Class 2, but it was really just a step along the trail.
The only minor rock obstacle along the way. Some might consider this low Class 2, but it was really just a step along the trail.
View back toward the false summit as I ascend to Gothic Mountain.
View back toward the false summit as I ascend to Gothic Mountain.
Close-up back along the north ridge.
Close-up back along the north ridge.
View back from the summit.
View back from the summit.
Gorgeous rainbow near Mount Crested Butte.
Gorgeous rainbow near Mount Crested Butte.
View northeast, the road I drove in on seen below.
View northeast, the road I drove in on seen below.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!