Starting up the Washington Gulch Trail.

View back toward the trailhead and the taller peaks to the east.

Switchbacks up the steep slope, excellent views along the way.

View back after the initially steep slope, Gothic Mountain visible on the right. I came up from the valley on the left.

Gothic Mountain ahead, its steep northern ridge seen center.

Pretty meadow walking.

And also lovely forest.

Junction, left leads to Gothic Mountain.

The trail is easy to follow, but had some deadfall.

View back as I head toward the base of Gothic Mountain.

A bit of a dip before reaching the base.

Starting up Gothic Mountain's steep north ridge.

View back down at my progress.

The trail continues steeply, but less so as it reaches the top of the first slope.

Another shot back along the north ridge. You can see the meadows I'd hiked through along the Washington Gulch Trail in the center, and the valley that houses Washington Gulch Road on the far right, where I started.

A view into the beautiful basin on the northeast side of Gothic Mountain.

The trail continues along the ridge.

View back, Mount Baldy seen top left.

Tame trail for a bit leading up to a false summit.

Continuing from the false summit to the true summit of Gothic Mountain.

The only minor rock obstacle along the way. Some might consider this low Class 2, but it was really just a step along the trail.

View back toward the false summit as I ascend to Gothic Mountain.

Close-up back along the north ridge.

View back from the summit.

Gorgeous rainbow near Mount Crested Butte.

View northeast, the road I drove in on seen below.
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