David Yetman West Trailhead. Golden Gate Mountain on the right.

View back toward the trailhead as I make my way to the saddle of Golden Gate Mountain and Bren Peak.

Just past the saddle, the trail descends to the southeast. This is a view looking that way, but the social trail that will lead to Golden Gate Mountain is marked by a cairn is on my right.

Social trail headed up to Golden Gate Mountain.

Golden Gate Mountain ahead.

View back to the saddle of Golden Gate Mountain and Bren Peak.

Ascending to Golden Gate Mountain.

Another shot back, Bren Peak visible center.

Minor Class 2 on the way up to Golden Gate Mountain.

Another shot back just as I finish the main ascent. Bren Peak visible on the left.

Final bit to the summit of Golden Gate Mountain.

Bren Peak center, my trailhead on the left.

Golden Gate Mountain summit, view west.

Back at the saddle, onward to Bren Peak, seen ahead.

Ascending the trail-less slope, a view back toward Golden Gate Mountain.

Class 2 steep and rocky slope.

Within a decent gully as I make my way up Bren Peak. Golden Gate Mountain visible center.

Class 2 to gain the ridgeline.

Bren Peak ridgeline, view west toward one of the possible summits.

Bren Peak view east.

Bren Peak, view toward the other possible summit (right). Golden Gate Mountain visible left. The saddle I came up from visible center.
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