Gold Mountain via Pacific Crest Trail in San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Hike Gold Mountain via Pacific Crest Trail San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Class 1 7.6 miles 1400 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back May 22, 2024

Gold Mountain via Pacific Crest Trail GPX Track

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Gold Mountain is probably best reached via the Pacific Crest Trail, starting from the trailhead along Holcomb Valley Road. There is an alternative trail that is a bit more direct, though it looks less pretty, so I was happy I chose to take the PCT. Starting through a burn area with expansive views toward Baldwin Lake, the trail slowly ascends into chaparral with sporadic trees dotting the slope. A bee stung my lip, so that was fun.

There are a few long switchbacks up the slope, one of which leads through a small boulder field, while the rest is mostly characterized by small trees or sparse brush. Shortly after the Pacific Crest Trail reached the top of the slope and began contouring west, the Gold Mountain access road popped in to the south. This steeply weaves up the north side of Gold Mountain before becoming more tame along the flattish summit area. There is a short section of off-trail hiking to gain the summit, which requires light hopping over some large boulders, though I really can't call it a scramble. I thought the views were really nice from here down towards civilization and the lower lumpy peaks of the San Bernardino Mountains.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Gold Mountain
8235 ft
675 rise

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Just after starting along the PCT toward Gold Mountain. Baldwin Lake seen in the distance.
Just after starting along the PCT toward Gold Mountain. Baldwin Lake seen in the distance.
Along the PCT.
Along the PCT.
Slowly ascending switchbacks along the slope.
Slowly ascending switchbacks along the slope.
View back, Baldwin Lake seen on the right.
View back, Baldwin Lake seen on the right.
At one of the PCT switchbacks.
At one of the PCT switchbacks.
Along the PCT, switchbacking up the slope.
Along the PCT, switchbacking up the slope.
View back higher up.
View back higher up.
Image 7 from gallery
Passing over a small boulder field.
Passing over a small boulder field.
A final shot back toward Baldwin Lake as the PCT tops out of the slope and continues west.
A final shot back toward Baldwin Lake as the PCT tops out of the slope and continues west.
I left the PCT to head up Gold Mountain road.
I left the PCT to head up Gold Mountain road.
I followed the road up to nearly the summit.
I followed the road up to nearly the summit.
View back along the road.
View back along the road.
The road leads along the flat summit area to the high point.
The road leads along the flat summit area to the high point.
A quick off-trail hike to the summit.
A quick off-trail hike to the summit.
Gold Mountain summit, view toward Big Bear Lake.
Gold Mountain summit, view toward Big Bear Lake.
Gold Mountain, view northeast.
Gold Mountain, view northeast.
Baldwin Lake below.
Baldwin Lake below.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!