Barry Goldwater Peak via Goat Camp and Mesquite Canyon Loop in White Tank Mountain Regional Park, AZ

Hike Barry Goldwater Peak via Goat Camp and Mesquite Canyon Loop White Tank Mountain Regional Park, AZ

Class 1 16.9 miles 3100 gain 5-7 hrs Loop Mar 18, 2018

Barry Goldwater Peak via Goat Camp and Mesquite Canyon Loop GPX Track

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This loop heads through the desert hills of the White Tank Mountains along a nicely maintained trail. I started clockwise by taking the Goat Camp Trail, which was a pretty uneventful trail. The Goat Camp Trail consists of a lot of winding along shallow canyon hillsides. Eventually it reaches the base of Barry Goldwater Peak, where a cairn marked the turn-off used to reach the summit. While still a trail, it's unmaintained and quite a bit more steep than the official trail system. It leads up to service road that continued to the summit.

Once back from Barry Goldwater Peak, I continued along the Goat Camp Trail as it starts to head back east and meets at a junction with the Mesquite Canyon Trail. This trail has some more interesting rock features than the Goat Camp Trail, making it a bit more of an enjoyable portion of the hike. Once I reached the end of the Mesquite Canyon Trail, I considered just heading back to my car, but instead decided to follow the Waterfall Trail as a short side-trip. The waterfall wasn't flowing, but the canyon was a worthwhile, though popular over-developed, addition to the loop. I followed White Tank Mountain Road back to my car afterward.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Barry Goldwater Peak
4083 ft
2503 rise

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Heading up the Goat Camp Trail.
Heading up the Goat Camp Trail.
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The only moderately steep section of the Goat Camp Trail.
The only moderately steep section of the Goat Camp Trail.
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Entering the hills along the Goat Camp Trail. A sub-peak of Barry Goldwater Peak is seen over there covered in radio towers.
Entering the hills along the Goat Camp Trail. A sub-peak of Barry Goldwater Peak is seen over there covered in radio towers.
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Nearing the highest point of the Goat Camp Trail.
Nearing the highest point of the Goat Camp Trail.
Goat Camp Trail is a lot of winding along shallow canyon hillsides.
Goat Camp Trail is a lot of winding along shallow canyon hillsides.
A cairn pointed us to the social trail for Barry Goldwater Peak.
A cairn pointed us to the social trail for Barry Goldwater Peak.
Looking back shortly after leaving the trail to follow the social trail.
Looking back shortly after leaving the trail to follow the social trail.
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Barry Goldwater Peak seen ahead (right).
Barry Goldwater Peak seen ahead (right).
Along the service road to the summit.
Along the service road to the summit.
View back as the service road wraps around the summit.
View back as the service road wraps around the summit.
Close-up toward a peak covered in towers to the southeast.
Close-up toward a peak covered in towers to the southeast.
Barry Goldwater Peak summit, view north.
Barry Goldwater Peak summit, view north.
Back at the junction with the Barry Goldwater Peak turn-off, heading down along the Goat Camp Trail. This eventually reaches a junction with the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
Back at the junction with the Barry Goldwater Peak turn-off, heading down along the Goat Camp Trail. This eventually reaches a junction with the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
Along the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
Along the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
The Mesquite Canyon Trail has some  more interesting rock features than the Goat Camp Trail.
The Mesquite Canyon Trail has some more interesting rock features than the Goat Camp Trail.
View back along the Mesquite Canyon Trail, the canyon seen below.
View back along the Mesquite Canyon Trail, the canyon seen below.
Progress down the Mesquite Canyon Trail. The trailhead is down on the right out of frame.
Progress down the Mesquite Canyon Trail. The trailhead is down on the right out of frame.
At the end of the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
At the end of the Mesquite Canyon Trail.
Side trip on the Waterfall Trail.
Side trip on the Waterfall Trail.
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Very narrow for a short time.
Very narrow for a short time.
Waterfall wasn't flowing, bummer.
Waterfall wasn't flowing, bummer.
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Final leg of trail.
Final leg of trail.
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Follow the road back to the Goat Camp Trailhead.
Follow the road back to the Goat Camp Trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!