Gilbert Peak and Gunsight Peak in Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT

Hike Gilbert Peak and Gunsight Peak Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT

Class 2 23.2 miles 5200 gain 9-12 hrs Out + Back Jul 20, 2020

Gilbert Peak and Gunsight Peak GPX Track

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Matt, Josh, and I started out from the Henrys Fork Trailhead, accessible via a long and good dirt road, passable by any car. The hike to the base of Gilbert Peak and Gunsight Peak was uneventful and actually pretty boring. The first five or so miles were just within the forest, paralleling Henrys Fork (the creek). We could see Kings Peak shortly after leaving the forest, at the other end of the basin-like feature we would walk through. The wildflowers and vast openness made us a bit more happy. After some enjoyable meadow waking along the trail, the ridge leading up to Gilbert Peak came into view, a nice sloping grassy hill that seemed like it was close, but took forever to get to. Our route would require us to leave the Henrys Fork Trail and head toward Dollar Lake on the left. The lake is unsigned, so we kept checking our map to find a good spot to turn off to head to the lake. We spotted a moose at Dollar Lake and took in the serenity of the spot before continuing from Dollar Lake toward the ridgeline that would give us access to Gilbert Peak.

There was some minor bushwhacking as we tried to find a good spot to gain the ridgeline, a couple of steep sections through the forest and a short marshy walk required to get above treeline. Once we left the trees, the route was obvious. The grassy slope started quite steep, progressively becoming more mellow as we ascended. We had some awesome views down toward Dollar Lake and eventually across the sloping alpine meadow toward Kings Peak. Heading up to Gilbert Peak was a slog, but a pretty slog. We honestly couldn't believe how long it was taking us to ascend. The mountains in the Uintas are so big and the slopes quite expansive. The last half mile or so to the summit of Gilbert Mountain included a fair amount of Class 2, sometimes the rocky slope being steep enough to require a little bit more thought, but mostly just boulder-hopping.

Once at the summit of Gilbert Peak, we decided to head south along the ridge on another expansive slope toward Gunsight Peak. This peak required a similar amount of effort as Gilbert Peak, lots of boulder-hopping and a general feeling that everything is huge and slow. The views from Gunsight Peak were nice, an expansive look around at the lakes and meadows of the Uintas. Kings Peak, Utah's high point, was visible to the southwest. We could also see down toward Gunsight Pass, used as part of the standard route to Kings Peak.

We backtracked to the saddle between Gilbert Peak and Gunsight Peak, realizing it would be the most efficient way to return, since the slope down from Gunsight Peak was deceptively rocky and wouldn't lead directly to the ascent ridge we used earlier.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Gilbert Peak
13442 ft
1554 rise
Gunsight Peak
13263 ft
638 rise

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Starting out along the Henrys Fork Trail.
Starting out along the Henrys Fork Trail.
Image 1 from gallery
Image 2 from gallery
The hike is not particularly exciting for 5 or so miles, mostly flat through forest and sometimes paralleling the creek.
The hike is not particularly exciting for 5 or so miles, mostly flat through forest and sometimes paralleling the creek.
Finally, we got some mountain views as the trees began to fade away.
Finally, we got some mountain views as the trees began to fade away.
A trail junction, head straight.
A trail junction, head straight.
Image 6 from gallery
Image 7 from gallery
Image 8 from gallery
Kings Peak visible in the center, the pokey-looking one. Gunsight Peak (our second peak of the day after Gilbert) is visible on the left, above the small snow patch.
Kings Peak visible in the center, the pokey-looking one. Gunsight Peak (our second peak of the day after Gilbert) is visible on the left, above the small snow patch.
Image 10 from gallery
Close-up of the ascent ridge we'd be taking (the grassy one on the left).
Close-up of the ascent ridge we'd be taking (the grassy one on the left).
Kings Peak, left of center.
Kings Peak, left of center.
We left the Henrys Fork Trail to get to Dollar Lake. There were some social trails, but nothing that stood out. Just head east until you stumble on the lake.
We left the Henrys Fork Trail to get to Dollar Lake. There were some social trails, but nothing that stood out. Just head east until you stumble on the lake.
Dollar Lake, the green ascent ridge we'd take visible on the left.
Dollar Lake, the green ascent ridge we'd take visible on the left.
After some minor bushwhacking and crossing a small marsh, we found this forested ridge.
After some minor bushwhacking and crossing a small marsh, we found this forested ridge.
Continuing up the forested ridge, Dollar Lake visible below.
Continuing up the forested ridge, Dollar Lake visible below.
Above tree line, Dollar Lake visible center.
Above tree line, Dollar Lake visible center.
Continuing up the steep, grassy ascent ridge.
Continuing up the steep, grassy ascent ridge.
Image 19 from gallery
Image 20 from gallery
Gilbert Peak on the far left, Gunsight Peak center.
Gilbert Peak on the far left, Gunsight Peak center.
Looking back at our progress.
Looking back at our progress.
Shot toward Gunsight Peak (left) and Dome Peak (right). Kings Peak is Poking out behind Dome Peak.
Shot toward Gunsight Peak (left) and Dome Peak (right). Kings Peak is Poking out behind Dome Peak.
Expansive views, and lots of somewhat tedious walking.
Expansive views, and lots of somewhat tedious walking.
Gilbert Peak somewhere ahead.
Gilbert Peak somewhere ahead.
Image 26 from gallery
Image 27 from gallery
Image 28 from gallery
Gunsight Peak visible top left.
Gunsight Peak visible top left.
Close-up toward Gunsight Peak as we ascend Class 2 to the summit of Gilbert Peak.
Close-up toward Gunsight Peak as we ascend Class 2 to the summit of Gilbert Peak.
Looking back. Our ascent ridge came from the right in this photo.
Looking back. Our ascent ridge came from the right in this photo.
Nearing the summit of Gilbert Peak, a shot toward Gunsight Peak and a pretty lake.
Nearing the summit of Gilbert Peak, a shot toward Gunsight Peak and a pretty lake.
Gilbert Peak ahead.
Gilbert Peak ahead.
View back as we approach the summit of Gilbert Peak, 3270853 years later. Gunsight Peak visible left.
View back as we approach the summit of Gilbert Peak, 3270853 years later. Gunsight Peak visible left.
Gilbert Peak, view north.
Gilbert Peak, view north.
Heading down the south ridge of Gilbert Peak, onward to Gunsight Peak, center. Kings Peak is visible behind it on the right.
Heading down the south ridge of Gilbert Peak, onward to Gunsight Peak, center. Kings Peak is visible behind it on the right.
Image 37 from gallery
Looking back toward Gilbert Peak as we ascend Class 2 toward Gunsight Peak.
Looking back toward Gilbert Peak as we ascend Class 2 toward Gunsight Peak.
Wide shot back toward Gilbert Peak.
Wide shot back toward Gilbert Peak.
Gunsight Peak ahead.
Gunsight Peak ahead.
Image 41 from gallery
Another shot back toward Gilbert Peak (right) and the ascent ridge we took on the left.
Another shot back toward Gilbert Peak (right) and the ascent ridge we took on the left.
Image 43 from gallery
Gunsight Peak, view toward Kings Peak (top left), Dome Peak (left of center), and Gunsight Pass.
Gunsight Peak, view toward Kings Peak (top left), Dome Peak (left of center), and Gunsight Pass.
Close-up toward Kings, Dome, and Gunsight Pass. You can see the switchback used to access Gunsight Pass as well and the route that leads to Kings Peak.
Close-up toward Kings, Dome, and Gunsight Pass. You can see the switchback used to access Gunsight Pass as well and the route that leads to Kings Peak.
Gunsight Peak, view northwest.
Gunsight Peak, view northwest.
On our way back, view toward Gunsight Peak (left) and Dome Peak (right).
On our way back, view toward Gunsight Peak (left) and Dome Peak (right).
Back at Dollar Lake.
Back at Dollar Lake.
Dollar Lake, Kings Peak poking out top left.
Dollar Lake, Kings Peak poking out top left.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!