Gifford, Hepworth, Roof, Little Jenny, Jenny Peaks Loop in Zion National Park, UT

Hike Gifford, Hepworth, Roof, Little Jenny, Jenny Peaks Loop Zion National Park, UT

Class 5 9.2 miles 3500 gain 7-10 hrs Loop May 5, 2018

Gifford, Hepworth, Roof, Little Jenny, Jenny Peaks Loop GPX Track

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This route may have access issues.

The slab descent into Clear Creek coming off Jenny Peak is closed since it's in a Research Natural Area (RNA). It looks like much of the Jenny Peak ridge is technically off-limits, rendering this route not viable.

This great loop through Zion's east side backcountry hits five little peaks, forming a loop around Gifford Canyon. Start by entering Gifford Canyon and find a nice slope on the right to ascend out of Gifford Canyon, through a pretty slickrock bowl, and to a sandy ridge overlooking Gifford Peak and Destination Peak. I recommend using this map from another trip report I did for the easiest access to the sandy ridge – while our ascent worked fine on this trip report, it was a bit muddled with Class 3/4 moves.

Head to the northeast ridge of Gifford Peak and climb slabs and ledges to a Class 5, 20ish-foot headwall. It's a relatively very short technical section, and this is the only Class 5 of the day. A rotting log may help get to the top of the wall, but we did some other route-finding. I recommend rapping, or at least bringing enough webbing to help you get back down. Once above the Class 5, Gifford Peak is an easy walk away.

Once back down from Gifford Peak, continue along the sandy ridge to a gorgeous slickrock bowl between Hepworth Peak and Roof Peak. Head toward the back of the bowl until you find Class 2 slabs to take you to the summit of Hepworth Peak. Come down and do the same for Roof Peak. From Roof Peak's summit, head along the east ridge and scramble down some Class 3/3+ slabs to get back to solid ground. Head south and bag Little Jenny Peak, a vegetated knoll with nice views of Gifford Canyon and Paranuweap Canyon.

After Little Jenny Peak, continue along the ridge on the east side of Gifford Canyon, where a slickrock wonderland leads to Jenny Peak. There's even a colorful short sort-of knife-edge ridge you can detour to check out. From Jenny Peak, head down the west prong of the north ridge (Class 4) to get back to the road and complete the loop. I have obscured the route we took on the attached map because of the Research Natural Area. Sorry!

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Gifford Peak
6600 ft
915 rise
Hepworth Peak
6548 ft
388 rise
Roof Peak
6553 ft
313 rise
Little Jenny Peak
6280 ft
280 rise
Jenny's Nipples
6240 ft
n/a rise
Jenny Peak
6310 ft
310 rise

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Starting up Gifford Canyon.
Starting up Gifford Canyon.
Big wall in Gifford Canyon.
Big wall in Gifford Canyon.
Exiting Gifford Canyon.
Exiting Gifford Canyon.
After exiting Gifford Canyon, heading up to the pretty bowl just below a sandy ridge.
After exiting Gifford Canyon, heading up to the pretty bowl just below a sandy ridge.
Looking back at the bowl and Gifford Canyon.
Looking back at the bowl and Gifford Canyon.
On the sandy ridge, Gifford Peak left, Destination Peak right.
On the sandy ridge, Gifford Peak left, Destination Peak right.
Ledge system to get up onto Gifford Peak. Bridge Mountain visible center. Josh and Shawn are tiny.
Ledge system to get up onto Gifford Peak. Bridge Mountain visible center. Josh and Shawn are tiny.
Ascending Class 2 slabs on Gifford Peak. Destination Peak visible on the right.
Ascending Class 2 slabs on Gifford Peak. Destination Peak visible on the right.
More slabs up Gifford Peak.
More slabs up Gifford Peak.
Looking back down the slabby scramble on Gifford Peak, Destination Peak on the left.
Looking back down the slabby scramble on Gifford Peak, Destination Peak on the left.
Approaching the Class 5 headwall.
Approaching the Class 5 headwall.
Big rotten log didn't really help us.
Big rotten log didn't really help us.
Shawn free-soloing.
Shawn free-soloing.
On the Class 5 vertical face to get to Gifford Peak's summit.
On the Class 5 vertical face to get to Gifford Peak's summit.
Gifford Peak ahead.
Gifford Peak ahead.
Gifford Peak summit, looking south toward Hepworth Peak.
Gifford Peak summit, looking south toward Hepworth Peak.
Back on the sandy ridge after Gifford Peak, heading south.
Back on the sandy ridge after Gifford Peak, heading south.
Looking back toward Gifford Peak.
Looking back toward Gifford Peak.
Approaching the slickrock bowl between Hepworth Peak and Roof Peak.
Approaching the slickrock bowl between Hepworth Peak and Roof Peak.
Image 19 from gallery
Ridiculously gorgeous slickrock bowl.
Ridiculously gorgeous slickrock bowl.
Image 21 from gallery
Heading up toward Hepworth Peak.
Heading up toward Hepworth Peak.
Looking toward Roof Peak (see the obvious roof?), on the way up to Hepworth Peak.
Looking toward Roof Peak (see the obvious roof?), on the way up to Hepworth Peak.
Image 24 from gallery
Hepworth Peak summit.
Hepworth Peak summit.
Looking back up toward Hepworth Peak on the way down.
Looking back up toward Hepworth Peak on the way down.
Class 2/3 slabs up Roof Peak, ahead.
Class 2/3 slabs up Roof Peak, ahead.
Looking back toward Shawn and Josh coming up Roof Peak.
Looking back toward Shawn and Josh coming up Roof Peak.
Roof Peak summit ahead.
Roof Peak summit ahead.
Roof Peak summit, looking toward Hepworth Peak.
Roof Peak summit, looking toward Hepworth Peak.
Coming down east ridge of Roof Peak, looking south.
Coming down east ridge of Roof Peak, looking south.
Looking east down Roof Peak's east ridge.
Looking east down Roof Peak's east ridge.
Looking back up the Class 3+ slabs on Roof Peak's east side.
Looking back up the Class 3+ slabs on Roof Peak's east side.
Image 34 from gallery
Little Jenny Peak is the little green bump on the right.
Little Jenny Peak is the little green bump on the right.
On the way to Little Jenny Peak, looking back toward Roof Peak (left).
On the way to Little Jenny Peak, looking back toward Roof Peak (left).
Image 37 from gallery
Image 38 from gallery
Little Jenny Peak summit, looking up Paranuweap Canyon.
Little Jenny Peak summit, looking up Paranuweap Canyon.
Little Jenny Peak summit looking north toward Gifford Canyon (Roof Peak on the left, Jenny Peak on the right).
Little Jenny Peak summit looking north toward Gifford Canyon (Roof Peak on the left, Jenny Peak on the right).
Fun mini ridge on the way to Jenny Peak.
Fun mini ridge on the way to Jenny Peak.
Image 42 from gallery
Image 43 from gallery
Image 44 from gallery
Looking toward the gorgeous bowl between Hepworth (right) and Roof (left).
Looking toward the gorgeous bowl between Hepworth (right) and Roof (left).
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Image 47 from gallery
Image 48 from gallery
Jenny Peak summit.
Jenny Peak summit.
Image 50 from gallery
Image 51 from gallery
Image 52 from gallery
Continuing down on gorgeous slickrock, East Temple visible over there.
Continuing down on gorgeous slickrock, East Temple visible over there.
Image 54 from gallery
Image 55 from gallery
Entrance to the Mt. Zion-Carmel Tunnel below.
Entrance to the Mt. Zion-Carmel Tunnel below.
Image 57 from gallery
close-up of the road.
close-up of the road.
Class 4 slabby downclimb.
Class 4 slabby downclimb.
Image 60 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!