Gibraltar Rock ahead, seen from the Fire Wave Trailhead.

The wash at the base of Gibraltar Rock.

Working our way up the northern slabs. You could have used our descent route as an ascent, but taking the full ridge was a great little adventure.

Traversing south along Gibraltar Rock's ridge.

Entering a narrow gully, which eventually merges with the gully you can see on the right. The gully on the right is the main gully, the standard route up Gibraltar Rock and the one we used to descend.

Working through the higher gully.

Gully opens up for a bit, grassy and pretty.

Our gully merges with the main gully. We had to descend slightly and work back north for a moment to get on a viable ascent route.

Shortly after entering the main gully, we noticed this slab - the Class 3 approach to get to the high point.

Looking down into the main gully from the top of the Class 3 slab. The ridge we came in on is visible on the top.

Last bits of scrambling to get to the top of Gibraltar Rock.

Working our way up from the slab and to higher ground.

Looking south out toward Fire Wave.

Austin looking out, White Domes visible in the center.

Austin working his way back down the Class 3 slab.

Heading out the standard main gully.

It was really windy - you can see the windy haze.

Heading back along the wash after exiting the main gully.

Back at the Fire Wave Trailhead, now onto Fire Wave. This would be a much more popular undertaking. Gibraltar Rock is visible ahead.

The trail wraps around Gibraltar Rock's south side and heads south.

The trail enters a minor drainage.

Continuing through the desert.

Looking back toward Gibraltar Rock.

Some fun rock formations along the side of the trail.

The Fire Wave Trail follows some slickrock.

Looking back the way I came, Gibraltar Rock on the left.

Approaching Fire Wave.

The Fire Wave.

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