Ridge Trail Trailhead.

Initial creek crossing.

High water flow post-storm, seen along a creek adjacent to the trail.

Ascending steep switchbacks.

The trail crosses the creek multiple times, still climbing steeply.

A view down toward Chapel Pond below.

Approaching Giant’s Washbowl.

Giant’s Washbowl, a nice pond snuggled at the base of the steep slope of Giant Mountain.

Passing a pleasant waterfall.

Ascending steeply up Giant Mountain's southwest ridge.

A junction shortly after the Giant's Washbowl.

Rocky, steep ascent.

A section of tight switchbacks along the way.

Class 2 used to access the bedrock slabs.

View back down once I gained the slabs.

More Class 2, interspersed with slabs and forest.

Giant Mountain obscured top left, Rocky Peak Ridge seen right.

Another shot back as I continue higher on Giant Mountain.

Steep hiking on slabs.

Another shot back down.

A massive cairn to assist in keeping along the intended route.

Back in the forest for a bit.

Another trail junction at around 3800', this one for the Roaring Brook Trail.

The trail wraps to the north side of the ridge for a bit.

View back down before reaching a trail junction.

I reached the junction with the trail leading over to Rocky Peak Ridge, which I'll return to shortly.

Giant Mountain summit, view north.

Close-up north.

Giant Mountain summit, view south.

Onward to Rocky Peak Ridge, seen ahead.

Steep descent from Giant Mountain, and a trickier Class 2 obstacle seen here.

Rocky Peak Ridge seen ahead.

View back up at the steep descent.

Much more tame ascent to Rocky Peak Ridge.

Along the way up to Rocky Peak Ridge.

Rocky Peak Ridge summit, view back toward Giant Mountain.

Giant Mountain.

Rocky Peak Ridge summit, view south.

Rocky Peak Ridge summit, view east.
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