Garrett’s Arch, Willow Hole, Boy Scout Trail in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike Garrett’s Arch, Willow Hole, Boy Scout Trail Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 3 11.2 miles 1200 gain 5-7 hrs Out + Back Mar 16, 2016

Garrett’s Arch, Willow Hole, Boy Scout Trail GPX Track

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This is a very contrived route I cooked up to visit Garrett's Arch and Willow Hole. After checking out Willow Hole by getting there from Rattlesnake Canyon, I was infatuated with the area and wanted to explore the southern section. This route traverses some gorgeous scenery through the Wonderland of Rocks section in Joshua Tree. Please note the attached map is only an estimate of the route I took. This is a choose-your-own-adventure sort of hike, so be aware there are no trails and the terrain can become quite rugged due to all the boulder-hopping. It's also easy to get turned around or lost.

I started from the popular Barker Dam/Wall Street Mill Trailhead and headed northest along the Wall Street Mill Trail. I left the trail and continued north up a sandy wash that would serve as the path of least resistance for a while. I passed the Wall Street Mill ruins, seen from a distance, as well as Barker Dam. I also stumbled on some other abanonded mining remains like an old dam and some metal debris. I also passed a massive rock featured known as Astro-Dome, as well as lots of other cool rock formations. Eventually I found my turn-off to head east to locate Garrett's Arch. The arch is interesting and I was happy I found it without too much hassle.

Back in the main wash I continued north, passing a cool talus cave and more great rock formations. As the sandy wash begins to fade, the route starts to get much more difficult with lots of scrambling and route findingon Class 2/3 massive boulders. After a long time navigating tricky boulders and terrain, I made it to Willow Hole. Rather than return the same way since it was getting dark, I took the standard route people use to get to Willow Hole, the Boy Scout Trail. This trail wrapped around the west side of the Wonderland of Rocks on flat and easy terrain until it brought me to the main Joshua Tree scenic drive. I followed a wash and an old road to get back to my car. You could just take the paved road or try to hitchike if you prefer.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting toward Wall Street Mill.
Starting toward Wall Street Mill.
I left the trail and headed north.
I left the trail and headed north.
Passing the pink ruins of Wall Street Mill.
Passing the pink ruins of Wall Street Mill.
Within the Wonderland of Rocks.
Within the Wonderland of Rocks.
Image 4 from gallery
Passing Barker Dam, visible over there.
Passing Barker Dam, visible over there.
Image 6 from gallery
Some old dam ruins?
Some old dam ruins?
Following a sandy wash north through the Wonderland of Rocks.
Following a sandy wash north through the Wonderland of Rocks.
A bit of prickly desert to navigate, but the first bit of the hike was overall easy to navigate.
A bit of prickly desert to navigate, but the first bit of the hike was overall easy to navigate.
Image 10 from gallery
Image 12 from gallery
Cool rock formations.
Cool rock formations.
View back as I make my way over to Garrett's Arch.
View back as I make my way over to Garrett's Arch.
Garretts Arch over there.
Garretts Arch over there.
View from just below Garretts Arch.
View from just below Garretts Arch.
Garrett's Arch.
Garrett's Arch.
View from next to Garrett's Arch.
View from next to Garrett's Arch.
Image 19 from gallery
Passing a cool cave.
Passing a cool cave.
Wandering north through the desert, trying to take the path of least resistance as I head toward Willow Hole.
Wandering north through the desert, trying to take the path of least resistance as I head toward Willow Hole.
Image 22 from gallery
Image 23 from gallery
A weird rock formation.
A weird rock formation.
Cool slickrock. There are lots of fun features to discover out here.
Cool slickrock. There are lots of fun features to discover out here.
Oh boy, the terrain is getting trickier as I head north.
Oh boy, the terrain is getting trickier as I head north.
The route starts to get much more difficult with lots of scrambling and route finding.
The route starts to get much more difficult with lots of scrambling and route finding.
Making my way to Willow Hole, the hard way.
Making my way to Willow Hole, the hard way.
Image 29 from gallery
Finally, Willow Hole.
Finally, Willow Hole.
Willow Hole.
Willow Hole.
Willow Hole.
Willow Hole.
View back toward Willow Hole as I head along the Boy Scout Trail to get back to civilization more easily rather than backtrack.
View back toward Willow Hole as I head along the Boy Scout Trail to get back to civilization more easily rather than backtrack.
Image 34 from gallery
Image 35 from gallery
Boy Scout Trail.
Boy Scout Trail.
Boy Scout Trail.
Boy Scout Trail.
Along the Boy Scout Trail, a flat and sandy walk, making my way back to the road.
Along the Boy Scout Trail, a flat and sandy walk, making my way back to the road.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!