Gardener Peak Trailhead.

Craggy false summit seen above, true summit on the right.

View back toward the taller Pine Valley Mountain peaks to the south.

Ascending the Gardner Peak Trail.

False summit visible above.

We passed an old east-west running road, but continued north up the steep slope seen here.

Steep Gardner Peak Trail, ascending higher.

Higher up, nearing the saddle.

At the saddle on the west slope of Gardner Peak.

Now on the northern side of the ridge where it's more vegetated.

Views north.

Ascending into the forest.

Flatter section of trail higher up.

A nice meadow along the way.

Pleasant open hiking amongst boulders and trees.

Views along the way.

Higher up where the trail gets a bit less well-maintained.

The Gardner Peak Trail leads up various slopes like this.

Encroaching shrubs.

A nice viewpoint of Gardner Peak (right of center), with cool formations on the left.

A nice rock garden with interesting formations.

Near the false summit, a view toward Gardner Peak. We continuing onward toward the peak.

More nice open sections, Gardner Peak seen right.

Entering a burn area.

The trail was nearly gone by this point.

View back through the burn area.

We turned around when we neared the base of the cool formation seen ahead.

View back the way we came along the flattish ridgeline.

Nice view to the north.

At the base of Gardner Peak, where we turned around.
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