Funeral Peak in the center, seen from my parking spot. Oof.

Close-up of Funeral Peak from the road.

After progressing through the desert for a bit, the brush got worse. It's not even that bad, just scratchy and persistent.

Funeral Peak ahead.

At the base of Funeral Peak, starting up and trying to avoid the black boulders to stick to grassy terrain.

View back the way I came - my car is near the base of the peak left of center.

Very gradual slope.

View north as I ascend, just for a little bit of a variation in photos.

Continuing up the slope.

Looking back.

And ahead.

And back. You get the drift. It's got charm, but felt a bit monotonous after a while.

I decided to get to the rim, which previously seemed to have more boulders than the slopes to the left, and so I avoided it.

Looking back along the rim.

Funeral Peak ahead.

Class 3 on the right, Class 2 if you wrap around to the left.

View back down the ridge from the summit of Funeral Peak.

Funeral Peak, view toward Smith Mountain and Death Valley.

Close-up of Smith Mountain.
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