Funeral Peak in Death Valley National Park, CA

Hike Funeral Peak Death Valley National Park, CA

Class 2 8.4 miles 2400 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Dec 19, 2020

Funeral Peak GPX Track

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Funeral Peak is really only worth doing if you're interested in getting high-prominence peaks. While the summit view is nice and the long and gradual slope to the summit has its charm, I thought the approach to Funeral Peak would be… the death of me *cringe*. Sam Grant told me the brush is heavy and will slow progress, so I wore gaiters and was thrilled and greatful for the warning. Pants would probably do the trick, but I legit don't own any at the moment. Anyway, I parked on the side of Furnace Creek Wash Road and headed west into the desert. The terrain is mostly flat and started out very pleasant. Slowly the brush began to encroach and I had to zig-zag a bunch to avoid the worst of it. Funeral Peak just looked and felt so far away, but I made it to its eastern slope eventually and started up. The brush mostly dissipated, but the slope is riddled with clusters of black boulders. I did a better job of keeping my route on grassy terrain rather than Class 2 boulder-hopping on the way down than on my ascent, but really it's hard to go too wrong. You'll encounter the occasional Class 2, but as long as you stick more-or-less to the high point (or just to the south) of the ridge, it'll be a pleasant stroll through the desert to the summit of Funeral Peak. The final hundred feet had a minor cliff band impediment, but you can avoid it by keeping to the left and finding a slope with some Class 2. The view toward Smith Mountain and down into Death Valley from the summit of Funeral Peak were lovely.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Funeral Peak
6384 ft
3304 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Funeral Peak in the center, seen from my parking spot. Oof.
Funeral Peak in the center, seen from my parking spot. Oof.
Close-up of Funeral Peak from the road.
Close-up of Funeral Peak from the road.
After progressing through the desert for a bit, the brush got worse. It's not even that bad, just scratchy and persistent.
After progressing through the desert for a bit, the brush got worse. It's not even that bad, just scratchy and persistent.
Funeral Peak ahead.
Funeral Peak ahead.
At the base of Funeral Peak, starting up and trying to avoid the black boulders to stick to grassy terrain.
At the base of Funeral Peak, starting up and trying to avoid the black boulders to stick to grassy terrain.
View back the way I came - my car is near the base of the peak left of center.
View back the way I came - my car is near the base of the peak left of center.
Very gradual slope.
Very gradual slope.
View north as I ascend, just for a little bit of a variation in photos.
View north as I ascend, just for a little bit of a variation in photos.
Continuing up the slope.
Continuing up the slope.
Looking back.
Looking back.
And ahead.
And ahead.
And back. You get the drift. It's got charm, but felt a bit monotonous after a while.
And back. You get the drift. It's got charm, but felt a bit monotonous after a while.
Image 12 from gallery
I decided to get to the rim, which previously seemed to have more boulders than the slopes to the left, and so I avoided it.
I decided to get to the rim, which previously seemed to have more boulders than the slopes to the left, and so I avoided it.
Looking back along the rim.
Looking back along the rim.
Funeral Peak ahead.
Funeral Peak ahead.
Class 3 on the right, Class 2 if you wrap around to the left.
Class 3 on the right, Class 2 if you wrap around to the left.
View back down the ridge from the summit of Funeral Peak.
View back down the ridge from the summit of Funeral Peak.
Funeral Peak, view toward Smith Mountain and Death Valley.
Funeral Peak, view toward Smith Mountain and Death Valley.
Close-up of Smith Mountain.
Close-up of Smith Mountain.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!