Looking back down the canyon.

Freedom Peak peeking out behind that ridge on the right.

There's Freedom Peak.

Looking back down the canyon once the trail starts heading up the ridge to Cascade Saddle.

Heading toward Cascade Saddle.

Looking down the canyon I came up.

Looking back toward Freedom Peak, Provo Peak's tippy top behind it on the right.

Almost at Cascade Saddle.

Cascade Saddle, looking toward Freedom Peak.

Cascade Saddle, Mt. Timp in the distance on the right.

Along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.

Looking back along the ridge.

Almost at the base of Freedom Peak.

Class 3 fun begins!

Looking back along the ridge.

The summit ridge.

Looking back along the ridge Cascade Mountain far away on the left.

Approaching the Freedom Peak summit.

After the summit, heading down the northwest ridge (visible in the center here)

Class 2 scree and dirty slopes.

Looking along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.

Continuing along the ridge, almost at the drop-in point.

One more look at Freedom Peak before heading down the gully and back into the cirque.

My chosen Class 2 gully.
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