Freedom Peak in Uinta National Forest, UT

Hike Freedom Peak Uinta National Forest, UT

Class 3 6.9 miles 3700 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Oct 12, 2017

Freedom Peak GPX Track

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Sqaw Peak Road closes sometime in October for the season, but I guess I lucked out. The last 5.5 miles are on maintained dirt road, and the last .5 mile is very bumpy, likely not okay for low-clearance vehicles.

An easily-followed trail leads (Trail 060) leads with moderate steepness to Cascade Saddle before you leave the trail to follow the ridgeline to the north ridge of Freedom Peak, a fun Class 3 scramble for the last few hundred feet. In order to make this into a loop, I continued down the west ridge that turns north until you find a suitable gully toward the end of the ridge (Class 2). I'm sure you could go all the way to the end of the ridge and find a way down, but the gully was short and I was able to see the trail, so that was enough for me. After the gully mellows out, head through a small section of trees and meet back up with the trail.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Freedom Peak
10801 ft
281 rise

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Image 0 from gallery
Image 1 from gallery
Image 2 from gallery
Looking back down the canyon.
Looking back down the canyon.
Freedom Peak peeking out behind that ridge on the right.
Freedom Peak peeking out behind that ridge on the right.
Image 5 from gallery
There's Freedom Peak.
There's Freedom Peak.
Image 7 from gallery
Image 8 from gallery
Looking back down the canyon once the trail starts heading up the ridge to Cascade Saddle.
Looking back down the canyon once the trail starts heading up the ridge to Cascade Saddle.
Heading toward Cascade Saddle.
Heading toward Cascade Saddle.
Looking down the canyon I came up.
Looking down the canyon I came up.
Looking back toward Freedom Peak, Provo Peak's tippy top behind it on the right.
Looking back toward Freedom Peak, Provo Peak's tippy top behind it on the right.
Almost at Cascade Saddle.
Almost at Cascade Saddle.
Cascade Saddle, looking toward Freedom Peak.
Cascade Saddle, looking toward Freedom Peak.
Cascade Saddle, Mt. Timp in the distance on the right.
Cascade Saddle, Mt. Timp in the distance on the right.
Along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.
Along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.
Looking back along the ridge.
Looking back along the ridge.
Almost at the base of Freedom Peak.
Almost at the base of Freedom Peak.
Image 19 from gallery
Class 3 fun begins!
Class 3 fun begins!
Image 21 from gallery
Looking back along the ridge.
Looking back along the ridge.
Image 23 from gallery
The summit ridge.
The summit ridge.
Looking back along the ridge Cascade Mountain far away on the left.
Looking back along the ridge Cascade Mountain far away on the left.
Approaching the Freedom Peak summit.
Approaching the Freedom Peak summit.
After the summit, heading down the northwest ridge (visible in the center here)
After the summit, heading down the northwest ridge (visible in the center here)
Class 2 scree and dirty slopes.
Class 2 scree and dirty slopes.
Image 29 from gallery
Image 30 from gallery
Looking along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.
Looking along the ridge toward Freedom Peak.
Continuing along the ridge, almost at the drop-in point.
Continuing along the ridge, almost at the drop-in point.
One more look at Freedom Peak before heading down the gully and back into the cirque.
One more look at Freedom Peak before heading down the gully and back into the cirque.
My chosen Class 2 gully.
My chosen Class 2 gully.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!