You can see Frary Peak way back there in the center.

Looking back toward the parking lot.

Frary Peak way in the back there.

Looking back, Dooly Knob on the left.

Elephant Head over there.

Elephant Head.

Continuing up toward Frary Peak.

Frary Peak summit ahead.

The trail brings you just to the right of the summit ridge and circles around the peak.

Frary Peak summit, looking north.

Frary Peak summit looking south.

Along the Elephant Head Trail.

A close-up of the 2.7 mile White Rock Road that would get you to the start of the Elephant Head Trail (see hike description).

Elephant Head ahead.

Continuing toward Elephant Head.

Looking back toward Frary Peak.

Looking back along the Elephant Head Trail.

Ascending the ridge to Elephant Head.

Elephant Head summit view overlooking the Great Salt Lake.

Elephant Head summit view looking toward Frary Peak.

Close up of the shore.
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