49 Palms Oasis and Canyon Loop in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike 49 Palms Oasis and Canyon Loop Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 2 9.6 miles 2100 gain 6-8 hrs Loop Feb 23, 2017

49 Palms Oasis and Canyon Loop GPX Track

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Fortynine Palms Oasis had always been on my radar, but the popularity of the trail made it feel less appealing. Shawn and I set out to explore the canyons to its south, and it made for a really nice day of boulder-hopping in a remote area.

From the trailhead, we took the standard route on a well-maintained trail to Fortynine Palms Oasis, where we hung out for a while under the gorgeous palm trees. We continued south into Fortynine Palms Canyon, where we were immediately slowed down by boulder obstacles, but there weren’t any more people. Along the way, we encountered a few Class 2/3 obstacles, water pools, water-carved rock, and sporadic palm trees. It was really a wonderful little canyon. It opened up into a wider section that resembled a valley, but it’s hard to tell what’s what in the boulder-strewn landscape that is Joshua Tree. A major wash continued south, where we were given reprieve from the boulder-hopping for a bit. After a bit of walking through this wash and enjoying the scenery, we headed east into a side canyon that would lead us to our chosen descent canyon. This side canyon led us east and became fairly narrow, with a lot of scrambling on Class 2/3 boulder obstacles and cacti-avoidance acrobatics. We made it to the major drainage that would take us northwest back to the Fortynine Palms Oasis, a wider canyon with nice views and occasional dryfalls and big boulders. Overall, our descent choice wasn’t as slow-moving as other parts of the day, but we certainly weren’t running.

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Follow the obvious trail to the palm oasis.
Follow the obvious trail to the palm oasis.
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The trail takes you up a couple hundred feet before you descend into the canyon where the palms are.
The trail takes you up a couple hundred feet before you descend into the canyon where the palms are.
You can see the Fortynine Palms Oasis in the center.
You can see the Fortynine Palms Oasis in the center.
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Fortynine Palms Oasis.
Fortynine Palms Oasis.
Head south into Fortynine Palms Canyon.
Head south into Fortynine Palms Canyon.
Definitely quickly leaves the crowds behind.
Definitely quickly leaves the crowds behind.
The first of a few Class 2/3 obstacles.
The first of a few Class 2/3 obstacles.
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A random palm farther up the canyon.
A random palm farther up the canyon.
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Looking back down Fortynine Palms Canyon.
Looking back down Fortynine Palms Canyon.
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An interesting gate-like opening in the canyon, leading to a short slotty section.
An interesting gate-like opening in the canyon, leading to a short slotty section.
Shawn scrambling up.
Shawn scrambling up.
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The canyon opens up into a valley for a bit.
The canyon opens up into a valley for a bit.
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Eventually, it's time to turn into the canyon we chose to make a full loop.
Eventually, it's time to turn into the canyon we chose to make a full loop.
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A fun scrambling section.
A fun scrambling section.
And lots of cactus obstacles.
And lots of cactus obstacles.
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Looking back up the scrambly section of the canyon.
Looking back up the scrambly section of the canyon.
Another random lone palm tree.
Another random lone palm tree.
Entering the main canyon we decided to descend in. Not sure it has an official name. Nor did the park rangers I later asked.
Entering the main canyon we decided to descend in. Not sure it has an official name. Nor did the park rangers I later asked.
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Back at Fortynine Palms Oasis.
Back at Fortynine Palms Oasis.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!