Cottonwood Canyon Trailhead.

Along the Cottonwood Canyon Trail, which mostly keeps to the south side of the drainage.

Interesting formations along the trail.

Glimpses of the amphitheater ahead.

A short section within the wash, where a cairn marked the spot to leave and rejoin the trail.

View back.

Nicer view to the northwest as the trail ascends a bit.

A nice overlook shortly before the trail ends where you can see a great perspective of the amphitheater.

Close-up at an unnamed peak at the head of the amphitheater I was hoping to go for, but it looks pretty near-impossible.

View back down toward the drainage.

A spring at the end of the trail.

Horse trail leading away from the spring.

A shot to the west toward the head of the amphitheater. There are a slew of animal trails in all directions leading up the slope.

I sometimes left the animal trails and just ascended the slope when it made more sense.

Headed through the trees on my way up to the saddle above, cool pinnacles poking out above.

The amphitheater from above.

Gorgeous view.

Fortification Peak seen center. I descended slightly and then side-hilled around the lump seen on the right.

View back toward the saddle I came from.

Another shot at Fortification Peak.

Close-up as I continue toward the base of the peak.

At another saddle, view toward the summit (center).

Cool formations along the way.

View back. The saddle I came up from seen right of center, the hill I avoided seen center.

Wider shot looking back. I came from the center, the amphitheater blocked from view on the left.

Wrapping around to the east side of Foritification Peak.

View back, cool formations seen to the northeast.

The slope steepens and then becomes Class 2 toward the top.

Class 2 on solid rock.

View down at my progress.

Summit just ahead, Class 2.

Fortification Peak summit, view northwest.

Fortification Peak summit, view northeast.

Close-up toward the amphitheater.

Fortification Peak summit, view south toward the Fortification Range High Point.

On the way back, sunset lighting on the unnamed peak at the head of the amphitheater.
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