Starting out from the trailhead along the rougher road.

Looking back toward the trailhead (right).

Looking back, Bald Mountain East visible center.

Approaching the 4WD trailhead. The trail leads up the slope on the right.

On the trail, looking back to the 4WD parking clearing (right of center).

Slightly brushy, but very good trail.

Looking back, the 4WD parking clearing visible on the right.

4WD parking clearing visible bottom left. Bald Mountain East visible top right. The road from the lower trailhead came up from near the center of this photo.

Once the switchbacks finished making their way up the slope, I headed along the ridge. The trail barely stayed on the ridge, instead making big switchbacks on the slopes on the north (left) side of the ridge crest.

Looking back, the road I hiked up on somewhere in the trees on the right.

The trail enters the forest.

No trespassing signs. Make sure you get permission from the landowner.

The trail leads up to the ridge crest, seen here. It continues ahead, along the ridge.

Looking back along the ridge.

Lewiston Peak visible ahead.

Just below the summit of Lewiston Peak, looking back along the ridge. Bald Mountain East visible top right.

Lewiston Peak, view south.

Lewiston Peak, view north toward Flat Top Mountain.

Back on the main trail after descending from Lewiston Peak, heading to Flat Top Mountain.

Looking back along the ridge, Lewiston Peak visible top left.

More progress toward Flat Top Mountain, Lewiston Peak and the ridge I've been following visible on the left.

Flat Top Mountain ahead.

Minor Class 2 talus field (likely avoidable on the left).

Just below the Flat Top Mountain summit, view back along the ridge. Lewiston Peak visible on the left.

Flat Top Mountain summit.

Flat Top Mountain summit.

Flat Top Mountain summit, view toward Bald Mountain East.
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