I parked at this pull-out at Mule Pass. Head to the right.

On the right I followed this gravel toad to the tree in the center.

At the tree is where the trail begins.

Ascending a good social trail.

Mount Ballard and Fissure Peak ahead.

View back, the highway visible below.

Good social trail on a pretty steep slope.

A hump before Mount Ballard visible ahead.

Mount Ballard and Fissure Peak ahead.

View down toward Bisbee, Arizona.

The trail hugs a fence for its majority.

View back the way I came.

Mount Ballard, center.

Steep ascent for a while. It's a little rocky, but no scrambling all the way to Mount Ballard.

View back down, some unnamed mountain visible to the north.

Mount Ballard ahead. The trail sort of disappears a little within the tall grasses, but is still somewhat easy to follow.

Mount Ballard and Fissure Peak ahead.

It gets a little bushwhacky, but not too bad.

I left the fading social trail to get to Mount Ballard. Fissure Peak visible ahead.

On the way down from Mount Ballard, a short (3-5 feet) Class 2 section to get down a small cliff band. Fissure Peak visible ahead.

Approaching the saddle with Fissure Peak.

Steep and trail-less ascent up Fissure Peak.

View back toward Mount Ballard.

Fissure Peak ahead. Light Class 2.

Another shot toward Mount Ballard from Fissure Peak's summit.

Summit of Fissure Peak, view west. Miller Peak visible in the distance.

Summit of Fissure Peak, close-up toward a cool feature to the northwest.
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