View toward Fish Lake.

Another shot toward Fish Lake.

Starting up the Pelican Canyon Trail.

The Pelican Canyon Trail heads through the forest and is easy to follow.

Sections of the Pelican Canyon Trail felt like they were on the remains of an old forest road, but has since eroded into a trail.

About halfway up, a junction in a meadow. We headed north (right) along the social trail.

Cairns leading through the meadow.

View back toward the junction.

Ascending to the rim of the plateau above.

View back.

More progress up to the rim, visible ahead.

Along the top of the plateau, still a ways to go to reach the high point of Fish Lake Hightop.

Fish Lake Hightop ahead.

View back, cairns helping mark the way through the open terrain.

We crossed over an ATV trail with an information kiosk.

Continuing to Fish Lake Hightop.

View back as we make our way up Class 2.

Ascending to the high point.

Fish Lake Hightop summit requires scrambling up a big boulder, Class 2.

Fish Lake Hightop summit.
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