Heading into Fay Canyon.

A view of Fay Canyon Arch on the right.

Under Fay Canyon Arch.

Some hot air balloons in the distance, from Fay Canyon Arch.

End of maintained trail. The left fork is more interesting.

Overlook into the left fork.

Closeup from the overlook in the left fork.

Looking back down Fay Canyon from the overlook in the left fork.

Looking down into Fay Canyon's blackened trees toward the end of the left fork of the canyon.

Crazy hanging branches and dark, mysterious colors.

Waterfall up ahead. The photo of the fall didn't really translate, but it's just a trickle.

Some minor obstacles.

Cool terrace-like rock formations.

Looking back toward the trailhead from below the waterfall.

Deeper into the canyon. There's only about a quarter mile to the end of the canyon from the end of the maintained trail.

Right fork of Fay Canyon. Nothing special here.

It just gets brambly, so I turned around.
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