Heading up the Ice House Trail with some nice morning light.

Ice House Canyon opens up a bit as the trail begins to ascend to Icehouse Saddle.

The trail switchbacks just above Ice House Canyon.

Looking back down into Ice House Canyon.

Approaching Icehouse Saddle.

Just after Icehouse Saddle, along the Cucamonga Peak Trail.

Cucamonga Peak visible ahead. Approaching the saddle between Bighorn and Cucamonga.

On the way up the witchbacks to Cucamonga Peak, looking back toward the Bighorn and Cucamonga saddle. Bighorn Peak visible on the left.

A bunch of switchbacks with nice views.

View along the switchbacks toward Bighorn (right) and Ontario out of frame on the far left.

Approaching Cucamonga Peak after the switchbacks ended.

Cucamonga Peak view south.

Cucamonga Peak, view east toward Etiwanda Peak.

Etiwanda Peak close-up from Cucamonga Peak.

Heading along the ridgeline to Etiwanda Peak.

Social trail leads through the forest, and is pretty easy to follow.

Etiwanda Peak ahead.

Steep section to Etiwanda Peak summit.

Etiwanda Peak, view east.

Etiwanda Peak, view northwest. Mt. Baldy visible on the right, Cucamonga Peak on the left. Bighorn and Ontario center.

After coming back over Cucamonga, I went back down to the saddle. Bighorn Peak is ahead.

Steep social trail up Bighorn Peak.

Looking back toward Cucamonga Peak on the way up to Bighorn Peak.

Bighorn Peak ahead.

Bighorn Peak summit, view toward Cucamonga Peak.

Bighorn Peak, view toward Telegraph and Baldy.

Continuing along the ridge, headed west.

Great views along the ridge as I headed toward Ontario Peak.

View north toward Mt. Baldy as fog started rolling in.

Looking back toward Bighorn (left) and Cucamonga (right).

The trail out to Ontario is easy to follow and well marked with cairns, though you don't need them.

Looking back.

Approaching Ontario Peak.

Ontario Peak ahead.

Looking back the way I came from the summit of Ontario Peak, Cucamonga on the far right.

Ontario Peak, view south.

After coming off Ontario Peak, I located the ridge I wanted to take to get down to Sugarloaf Peak.

Looking back up toward Ontario (left).

Steep ridge with some Class 2.

Sugarloaf Peak ahead. Falling Rock Canyon on the right. That will be my descent route after bagging Sugarloaf Peak.

Headed toward Sugarloaf Peak, looking back toward Ontario Peak in the clouds.

Sugarloaf Peak ahead.

Close-up toward the Mt. Baldy road way below. I thought it was cool-looking from this high up.

After bagging Sugarloaf Peak, I headed down Falling Rock Canyon. It's absurdly steep and would have been no fun as an uphill.

Looking back up the steep section.

Entering the Class 2 rocky Falling Rock Canyon.

A couple of trickling waterfalls made for some Class 2+ obstacles.

Looking back toward one of the dryfalls.

Crossing the creek to get back onto the Ice House Canyon Trail, completing the loop.
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