After coming down the social trail, we entered the wash leading to the first rappel.

Englestead Hollow first rappel!


Looking up the first rappel. You can't really tell how long it is (290 feet) because my lens warps the view a bit.

A bunch of rappels after the first major one, one after another.

Englestead Hollow opens up after a while.

Lots of beautiful non-technical narrows along the way down from the first section of rappels.

Josh posing because holy god this canyon is gorgeous.

Back to rappelling!

A pothole, easy to escape.

Rappelling under a natural arch.

Hairpin bend in the narrows. Shawn (left) is about to enter some water.

Final rappel down a narrow crack.

Optional rappel, or downclimb (where Shawn is) to enter Orderville.

Orderville canyon (left), Englestead (right).

Heading up Orderville Canyon.

Class 3 obstacle. you can see rappel anchors on the right for those descending Orderville.

About to exit the narrow section of Orderville Canyon.

Looking down into Orderville Canyon.

A trail leads out of Orderville Canyon and to the Orderville trailhead,
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