Starting through a meadow from the trailhead.

Trail takes you through a really pretty forest.

A few small ponds along the way.

Engineer Mountain ahead.

Looking back from the base of Engineer Mountain, meadows and peaks for days.

Along the social trail toward Engineer Mountain.

Steep and dirty approach.

Looking back down the steep and dirty section.

Austin coming up from the dirty approach to the Class 2 rocks. You can see the Class 3 move above.

Looking back just before the Class 3 section.

Class 3 chimney.

More Class 3 stuff. You can either make another move up a chimney, or traverse left around and climb up the face (pictured here).

Class 2 scrambling up the spine.

Engineer Mountain summit ahead.

Engineer Mountain summit (iPhone pano), looking north-ish.

Just past the Engineer Mountain summit, looking back toward the high point.
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