Ruby Gulch Trailhead begins at the big sign in the center. That road is the start of the trail. Visible ahead is Woods Mountain, the last peak of this route that I will be descending from later.

The old road/trail led through the forest for a bit, emerging into this more open section. That's Mount Parnassus on the right. I left the road at this point and headed left in an attempt to get up Englemann Peak using the least resistance possible.

Looking back as I ascend a ravine. There was only a couple hundred feet of bushwhacking, but I soon headed to a forested ridge to get out of the ravine. That's Woods Mountain in this photo.

Along the forested ridge, heading up toward Englemann Peak.

Looking back at my ascend ridge/slope once I left the forest. Mount Parnassus visible left, Woods Mountain on the right.

Continuing up the grassy slope, Engelmann Peak up there somewhere.

Looking back again.

Engelmann Peak top left somewhere. You can see some talus coming up toward the top.

Within the talus, I located a social trail that would continue toward the summit more easily. Woods Mountain visible on the left, the basically completely destroyed due to mining Red Mountain on the right.

Continuing on the social trail up to Engelmann Peak.

From the summit of Engelmann Peak, continuing south. Robeson Peak is the small hump in the center, Bard Peak top left, Mount Parnassus top right.

Continuing along the ridge.

Looking back toward Engelmann Peak.

Coming down from Robeson Peak, headed up toward Bard Peak.

Steep slope up Bard Peak.

Bard Peak ahead on the left, Mount Parnassus on the right.

Looking back toward Robeson and Engelmann as I near the summit of Bard Peak.

Heading down from Bard Peak, continuing toward Mount Parnassus.

Looking back up toward Bard Peak's west ridge.

Some Class 2 on the way to Mount Parnassus.

Looking back toward Bard again from within the Class 2 section between Bard and Parnassus.

Mount Parnassus ahead.

Near the summit of Mount Parnassus, view back toward Bard (right) and Engelmann (left).

Woods Mountain ahead (left), and the descent ridge I'd be taking continuing to the right from the peak.

Looking back toward Parnassus as I make my way up to Woods.

Coming down from Woods Mountain, I chose to stay on the ridge crest rather than the more tempting grassy slopes on the right. It would ultimately have required annoying talus side-hilling.

Looking back up toward Woods (right) and Parnassus (left).

Heading down the lovely, steep grassy slope. Red Mountain (the one previously mentioned that's been ravaged by mining) visible on the left, my car is somewhere down in the center of this photo.

View of the traverse I just did (Robeson, Bard, Parnassus visible) and the steepness of the descent slope.

Close-up toward Engelmann (left) and Robeson (right). The route I took to gain Engelmann follows the ridge on the far left. Pictured in the foreground is the steepest section of grassy slope, just right of the ridge crest, required to avoid some cliffs.

Continuing down steep grassy slopes before entering the forest.

Looking back up at the steep forest descent from Woods Mountain.

Red Mountain visible up top as I descend from Woods and the forest fire smoke sets in pretty intensely.

A random abandoned cabin hidden behind a rock outcropping.

Exiting the forest to get down to Woods Mountain Road. My car is on the right somewhere.
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