Starting along the South Zapata Creek Trail.

Along the South Zapata Creek Trail, looking back toward Great Sand Dunes National Park.

A quick detour into a short slot leading to Zapata Falls. Worth the minor effort.

Zapata Falls.

After visiting Zapata Falls, I continued along the trail and headed into the valley along the South Zapata Creek Trail.

Lots of forested sections along the South Zapata Creek Trail.

And also some pretty openings to view the route ahead.

Continuing along South Zapata Creek.

Approaching Zapata Lake. Ellingwood Point is visible in the top left, the couloir I'll be ascending in the center.

Zapata Lake.

Looking back the way I came.

Past Zapata Lake on a social trail, heading for the C2 couloir. It's the one just left of the big rock outcropping on the right.

Class 2 talus as I head to the C2 couloir.

Shot back toward Zapata Lake from on the Class 2 scramble.

Getting higher and about to enter the couloir.

Looking back toward South Zapata Creek from within the couloir, where I found a few Class 3 moves.

Heading east on the way to Ellingwood Point (center).

Beautiful ridgeline, though full of boulders. View looking northwest toward Zapata Lake.

Continuing on Class 2 boulders to Ellingwood Point.

A shot back down toward the top of the couloir that I ascended to get onto the ridge. Zapata Lake visible right, Pioneer Lake left.

Some more pretty scrambling.

Working down the ridge toward Blanca Peak, visible on the left. The standard route up to Blanca Peak comes up from the bottom right, Crater Lake.

I took a selfie on some of the fun scrambling along the traverse. View back toward Ellingwood Point.

Heading up to Blanca Peak.

Along the route to Blanca Peak, view back toward Ellingwood Point.

Class 2 stuff.

Summit of Blanca Peak, view east. Ellingwood Point visible on the right.

Blanca Peak summit, view east toward Mt. Lindsey.

Better lighting near Zapata Lake on my way back down.
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