Ellingwood Point and Blanca Peak via Zapata Lake in Rio Grande National Forest, CO

Hike Ellingwood Point and Blanca Peak via Zapata Lake Rio Grande National Forest, CO

Class 3 14.6 miles 6400 gain 7-10 hrs Out + Back Aug 27, 2016

Ellingwood Point and Blanca Peak via Zapata Lake GPX Track

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Rather than take the standard route to Blanca Peak and Ellingwood Point from the Lake Como approach, I wanted to get a lesser-traveled experience. In addition, this route passes the very pretty Zapata Falls, as well as Zapata Lake.

I started up the South Zapata Creek Trail, taking the super short detour to Zapata Falls in a slot canyon before heading along the well-maintained trail through pretty forest and meadows all the way to Zapata Lake. From here, I located the couloir I would be ascending to get to the west ridge of Ellingwood Point. It's easier to locate the closer you get. A Class 2/3 boulder-hopping scramble brought me into the couloir, where I passed a couple wearing helmets and momentarily wished I had one. There's a lot of loose rock. A couple of Class 3 moves and I was on the ridge, heading east to Ellingwood Point. The traverse along the ridge was Class 2, but had a ton of talus and was slow-moving. From the summit of Ellingwood Peak, I followed a trail that just south of the ridge. There were some light Class 3 moves, but the hardest stuff was definitely over (at least until I descended later). I merged with the official Blanca Peak Trail and headed up to Blanca Peak with the many others summitting that day.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Ellingwood Point
14042 ft
322 rise
Blanca Peak
14345 ft
5326 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
Starting along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
Along the South Zapata Creek Trail, looking back toward Great Sand Dunes National Park.
Along the South Zapata Creek Trail, looking back toward Great Sand Dunes National Park.
A quick detour into a short slot leading to Zapata Falls. Worth the minor effort.
A quick detour into a short slot leading to Zapata Falls. Worth the minor effort.
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Zapata Falls.
Zapata Falls.
After visiting Zapata Falls, I continued along the trail and headed into the valley along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
After visiting Zapata Falls, I continued along the trail and headed into the valley along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
Lots of forested sections along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
Lots of forested sections along the South Zapata Creek Trail.
And also some pretty openings to view the route ahead.
And also some pretty openings to view the route ahead.
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Continuing along South Zapata Creek.
Continuing along South Zapata Creek.
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Approaching Zapata Lake. Ellingwood Point is visible in the top left, the couloir I'll be ascending in the center.
Approaching Zapata Lake. Ellingwood Point is visible in the top left, the couloir I'll be ascending in the center.
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Zapata Lake.
Zapata Lake.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
Past Zapata Lake on a social trail, heading for the C2 couloir. It's the one just left of the big rock outcropping on the right.
Past Zapata Lake on a social trail, heading for the C2 couloir. It's the one just left of the big rock outcropping on the right.
Class 2 talus as I head to the C2 couloir.
Class 2 talus as I head to the C2 couloir.
Shot back toward Zapata Lake from on the Class 2 scramble.
Shot back toward Zapata Lake from on the Class 2 scramble.
Getting higher and about to enter the couloir.
Getting higher and about to enter the couloir.
Looking back toward South Zapata Creek from within the couloir, where I found a few Class 3 moves.
Looking back toward South Zapata Creek from within the couloir, where I found a few Class 3 moves.
Heading east on the way to Ellingwood Point (center).
Heading east on the way to Ellingwood Point (center).
Beautiful ridgeline, though full of boulders. View looking northwest toward Zapata Lake.
Beautiful ridgeline, though full of boulders. View looking northwest toward Zapata Lake.
Continuing on Class 2 boulders to Ellingwood Point.
Continuing on Class 2 boulders to Ellingwood Point.
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A shot back down toward the top of the couloir that I ascended to get onto the ridge. Zapata Lake visible right, Pioneer Lake left.
A shot back down toward the top of the couloir that I ascended to get onto the ridge. Zapata Lake visible right, Pioneer Lake left.
Some more pretty scrambling.
Some more pretty scrambling.
Working down the ridge toward Blanca Peak, visible on the left. The standard route up to Blanca Peak comes up from the bottom right, Crater Lake.
Working down the ridge toward Blanca Peak, visible on the left. The standard route up to Blanca Peak comes up from the bottom right, Crater Lake.
I took a selfie on some of the fun scrambling along the traverse. View back toward Ellingwood Point.
I took a selfie on some of the fun scrambling along the traverse. View back toward Ellingwood Point.
Heading up to Blanca Peak.
Heading up to Blanca Peak.
Along the route to Blanca Peak, view back toward Ellingwood Point.
Along the route to Blanca Peak, view back toward Ellingwood Point.
Class 2 stuff.
Class 2 stuff.
Summit of Blanca Peak, view east. Ellingwood Point visible on the right.
Summit of Blanca Peak, view east. Ellingwood Point visible on the right.
Blanca Peak summit, view east toward Mt. Lindsey.
Blanca Peak summit, view east toward Mt. Lindsey.
Better lighting near Zapata Lake on my way back down.
Better lighting near Zapata Lake on my way back down.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!