Starting from the trailhead, keeping right at the junction just ahead.

Mill Creek ATV Trail.

Easy creek crossing.

Approaching the junction with the Kents Canyon Trail after the forest opened up for a short time.

Continuing along the Mill Creek Trail.

Starting the ascent to the ridgeline above.

View back, hints of views.

Elkhorn Peak popping out above.

View back. Elkhorn Peak top right, the two unnamed peaks I'd get later seen center.

Once I reached the north ridge of Elkhorn Peak, I headed south off the ATV trail.

View back along the ridge toward the saddle where the trail took me.

Mostly easy hiking south, with some brush. It's best avoided by staying amongst the trees.

Continuing south, plenty of open spaces.

View back, an animal trail aiding along the crest.

Through more forest.

Elkhorn Peak top left somewhere.

View back along the crest.

A little limestone spine leading part of the way to the summit.

Another shot back.

Elkhorn Peak ahead, easy hiking on mostly clear terrain.

Elkhorn Peak summit area, view north.

Elkhorn Peak summit just ahead.

Elkhorn Peak summit cairn.

View toward Peak 8520 and Peak 8339, the next two peaks on the loop.

View back toward the summit as I head south.

Some limestone cliffs. I chose to drop through the grassy slope in the center rather than risk getting cliffed-out.

View back toward the limestone cliffs I avoided.

Along the ridgeline, now heading east. Peak 8520 seen ahead, some sagebrush and then forest to come.

On my way up Peak 8520, view back toward Elkhorn Peak.

Forested and steep up to Peak 8520.

Peak 8520 summit, view toward Peak 8339.

Descending tot the saddle, denser forest with a bit more deadfall.

At the saddle where the Kents Canyon Trail popped in. First I continued up to Peak 8339 before I'd take the Kents Canyon Trail.

Starting down the Kents Canyon Trail.

Summit of Peak 8339, view toward Elkhorn Peak (right) and Peak 8520 (left).

Mostly a forested hike along the Kents Canyon Trail.

The trail was well-maintained and pretty.

Approaching the junction with the Mill Creek Trail.

View back up the Kents Canyon Trail at the junction with the Mill Creek Trail, completing the loop.
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