Starting from where we parked, our initial objective being to head to the cliff on the left.

Approaching the cliff. Don't go to the right until you get to the base of the cliff.

At the base of the cliff, heading right, up a gully (Class 2).

Looking down the gully.

At the top of the gully. You can see our cars on the left below.

Hairpin turn - the gully we ascended is out of frame on the left. We now would head up this brushy (but not unpleasant) feature visible on the right.

Looking back as we ascend the brushy section.

At the top of the brushy section, we made it to this Class 3 slab.

Class 3+ lip at the top of the slab.

After pulling the lip, the route drops down a few feet in order to hug the cliff base.

Looking back along the base of the cliffs. Our cars are visible below on the left.

Final Class 2/3 fun up to the ridge, as we head south.

Final ridge push to the summit.

Whippled Cream Peak ahead.

View west toward Whipple Wash. Cupcake Mountain visible on the right.

Now heading north, Easy Bake Peak seen left of center and Peak 1540 far right.

The ridgeline gets a bit rocky and steep, so I kept to the right of it all.

View back up toward the ridgeline.

Easy Bake Peak seen center. To reach it I headed down the slope ahead, intending to reach the major gully on Whippled Cream Peak's north side.

Trying to get down there, but it's steep almost everywhere.

View back up at my Class 2 descent choice from the ridgeline.

Looking back up at a weakness I found.

This leads to a ramp beneath an arch (arch sort of visible top left in this photo).

view back at the ramp as I near the major gully.

Within the gully, view up the gully. The terrain is very steep over there, so I was lucky the weakness I found exists. You can sort of see the arch mentioned earlier on the top left.

Class 2 down the major drainage.

View back up the drainage.

Within Whipple Wash, heading toward Peak 1540 seen ahead.

View back toward Whippled Cream Peak.

An old mining trail led to this buried mine shaft. I continued past it.

Class 2 slope leading to the summit, which is obscured ahead.

View back as I head up, Whipple Wash seen on the right, Whippled Cream Peak top right, Easy Bake Peak on the left.

Summit ahead.

Barely Class 2.

Close-up toward the wonderful peaks of lower Whipple Wash.

Summit of Peak 1540.

Back within Whipple Wash, onward to Easy Bake Peak.

This is the viable route option we managed to locate, an initial Class 2 ascent. The goal is the dip in the ridge just right of center in this photo.

Looking into the narrows of Whipple Wash as we start up.

Class 2 fun led us to to the ridge. Note the water-stained overhang on the right. As soon as we got to the ridge, we headed to it.

At the ridge, deciding following the crest would be too sketchy. Instead, we continued to the overhang, following the ramp-like feature. It was a cool little thing.

Looking back toward Whipple Wash as we ascend under the overhang. We came up from the gully visible bottom left.

After the overhang, continuing north on Class 2/3. I recommend staying as close to the ridge on the left as possible. The ridge crest itself looks scary, and there were lots of little cliffs on the right that might not be climbable.

Looking back at our progress (center), Whipple Wash below. You can also see the major northern gully on Whippled Cream Peak left of center.

Continuing on Class 2/3 terrain. The ridge I recommended to follow is visible on the left.

Looking back again.

A lovely little arch providing some shade.

Just past the arch, some more Class 2/3 led to the summit ridge.

Continuing along the ridge to Easy Bake Peak.

Almost at the summit, looking back at the somewhat narrow and quite photogenic ridge.

Easy Bake Peak summit, view southeast.

Easy Bake Peak summit, view northwest. Cupcake Mountain visible top left.

Easy Bake Peak summit, view down toward Whipple Wash's head. You can see Matt's Jeep below on the left. Lake Havasu visible top left.

After Easy Bake Peak, now onto Peak 1260. Pictured here is the narrows of lower Whipple Wash. Yes, cars seem to have driven here but I don't think it's legal. Please don't.

Gorgeous short section of narrows.

To reach Peak 1260, I headed up a slope of choice (out of frame on the left) to reach a wide ledge formed by an eroded overhang seen top left.

Along the wide ledge above Whipple Wash.

The ledge led around and into the otherwise inaccessible gully seen top left.

Class 2/3 up the gully.

Steeper, fun stuff higher up.

View back down into Whipple Wash.

Along the ridgeline, just west of the summit. A short Class 3 move seen ahead. There's a cliff along the ridgeline, so you'll need to wrap to the right at some point to avoid the obstacle.

Past the cliff obstacle wrap-around, this is a Class 3+ crack below the summit.

Peak 1260 summit, view toward Easy Bake Peak and Lake Havasu.

Peak 1260 summit, view toward Whippled Cream Peak.
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