Starting out from the trailhead through a gorgeous meadow. The trail leads to the right and out of frame.

Leaving the meadow and heading into the forest.

View back into the meadow.

A nice trail leading through the forest.

Ascending to the north on an old roadbed converted into a trail.

View back, the trailhead seen center.

Ascending to the saddle of East Mountain and Seeley Mountain.

At the saddle, heading south to East Mountain along the East Mountain Trail 085.

View back toward the saddle, Seeley Mountain up on the right somewhere.

Along the trail to East Mountain, seen ahead.

Very pretty wildflowers in the meadows.

View back.

A junction at a spring, keep to the left on the East Mountain Trail 085.

Ascending more steeply through the forest.

An easy to miss junction. Keep right.

This side trail leads through the forest and then up to the open meadow above. Keeping to the left would result in being down on the left somewhere.

View back after the trail basically disappeared.

Ascending to East Mountain.

View back again with some amazing wildflowers.

Approaching East Mountain.

East Mountain, view south.

East Mountain, view north.

Back at the saddle, I started up to Seeley Mountain. The trail was quite good.

Along the unmarked and unlabeled, clearly unofficial trail.

East Mountain visible in the distance.

More forest walking along the good trail.

I emerged into a meadow. A small canvas tent is hidden behind a tree over there, and the trail leads right to it. Instead keep right and then head north through the forest.

Steep slope, but mostly free of brush. And certainly less steep than if you ascend farther to the east.

The forest fades away as I near the summit.

Approaching the summit of Seeley Mountain.

Seeley Mountain, view back along the ridge.

Seeley Mountain summit, view south toward East Mountain.

Summit of Seeley Mountain, view north toward Candland Mountain.
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