Starting from the trailhead.

Along the rim of Zero Gravity Canyon.

The trail led us to just above Zero Gravity Canyon's head, where we took the drainage visible right of center in this photo.

Sandy wash initially.

Class 2 boulder-hopping a bit later as we continue through the drainage.

Looking back as we ascend a minor obstacle, but lower sand could mean this gets difficult.

Looking back toward some Class 2/3 boulder navigation as we leave the drainage.

Our slickrock slope of choice.

Looking back at this serendipitous slickrock slope. At a certain point this slope started to fade and we found a break in the cliffs on the right in this photo to gain the next level of slickrock slope.

Ascending another slickrock slope.

View back toward the drainage we ascended from.

View back as we ascend to Peak 5810.

Slickrock, easy terrain to Peak 5810.

View back again as we approach Peak 5810.

Peak 5810 ahead, Henry Mountains visible in the distance.

View back again, the drainage we came out of visible right of center in this photo.

Peak 5810 summit, view toward Eardley Canyon (center).

Close-up at our route we ascended.

Peak 5810 summit, view west along the rim. Peak 5875 is over there on the left, our next objective. Direct ridge access would be barred by a significant cliffy drainage, so we would have to descend quite far.

Our ascent to Peak 5810 visible far left. From Peak 5810, we started descending toward the canyon on the right. This canyon is tempting to descend later, but I have no idea if it would go. Likely not.

Close-up toward the tempting canyon as we traverse over to Peak 5875.

Ascending to Peak 5875.

Peak 5875, lot sof slickrock away.

A few crevasses like this one prevent easy access, requiring us to do some zig-zagging. I got cliffed out on more than one occasion, forcing a backtrack here and there. You can keep the route Class 2/3 with some micro-route-finding.

Along the rim to the summit of Peak 5875.

View back just below the summit.

Peak 5875 summit, view west along the rim.

Peak 5875 summit, view east toward Peak 5810. Eardley Canyon visible on the left. Also, I'd always wondered what the incredible-looking slope on the left looked like in person after seeing it on topo maps for so long - it's quite amazing.

View back as we ascend to Peak 5875. The temping canyon I mentioned earlier visible on the left.

Close-up toward our route, taken on the way back. We would head through the canyon visible center, up the slickrock sort of visible right of center, and up to Peak 5810, top center.
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