Starting along the Duck Lake Pass Trail.

Junction with a spur trail for Arrowhead Lake.

Ascending via the Duck Lake Pass Trail.

A tiny detour to see Skelton Lake.

Above Skelton Lake.

Nearing Barney Lake's north side.

Past Barney Lake, headed up to Duck Pass.

View back down toward Barney Lake.

Higher up along the Duck Lake Pass Trail.

The trail meanders around rock outcrops before reaching the pass.

Duck Lake Pass, view toward Duck Lake. You can see Pika Peak center, Duck Lake Peak left, and the serious-looking traverse I am happy I didn't attempt that would link Pika Peak up with its southern neighbor, no thanks. You can also see the standard Class 2 route up Duck Lake Peak (far left).

Along the Pika Lake Trail, view back.

My aim is the saddle seen center.

I left the Pika Lake Trail and ascended this rocky/tundra slope.

View back toward Duck Lake.

Higher up on the slope, increasing steepness.

Another shot back along one of the granite ramps I took.

I entered the basin beneath the peaks, a Class 2 boulder-hopping field of talus.

View back at Duck Lake again.

Progress up the basin.

From Pika Pass, view back down.

Initially Class 2 up to Pika Peak. I kept right to avoid loose stuff.

I rejoined the crest, lots of boulder-hopping.

View back toward Pika Pass. Duck Lake Peak seen left, Bloody Mountain seen top right.

Approaching the Class 3+ crux.

Ridgeline narrows.

View down at the Class 3+ move.

Higher up, more Class 3.

Avoiding a scary gendarme by dropping right off the crest.

Class 3 drop from the crest in a chute-like formation.

Looking back at the gendarme I avoided.

Terraces with Class 2/3 moves separating each.

Summit of Pika Peak, view back the way I came.

Pika Peak, view south.

Pika Peak, view northeast toward Mount Mendenhall, Red Slate Mountain, etc.

Onward to Duck Lake Peak.

Mostly tame Class 2/2+ up to the base of the significant headwall seen ahead.

View down a fun Class 2+ slab.

Approaching the crux. I crawled through the hole seen center.

Class 3 through the talus cave.

View down at the squeeze to escape the cave.

Sketchy Class 3 on questionable boulders, which I used to wrap beneath the higher headwall that was too vertical to overcome.

View back at the Class 3 avoidance using loose boulders on a ledge.

A Class 3+ move on the left brought me back to the ridge crest.

I rejoined the crest and headed up to Duck Lake Peak.

Duck Lake Peak, view south. Pika Peak seen far right.

Duck Lake Peak, view down toward Duck Lake and the standard Class 2 slope route, as well as Herlihy Peak (right).

Close-up toward Herlihy Peak.

View back up toward Duck Lake Peak.

After Class 2 boulder-hopping down from Duck Lake Peak, I made my way to the base of my third summit, Herlihy Peak seen ahead.

View back as I start up Herlihy Peak.

South ridge was far more sketchy than my descent was, but had some fun parts.

A Class 4 drop along the crest.

More steep stuff along the south ridge.

Somewhat unstable Class 2/3.

Summit of Herlihy Peak, Pyramid Peak seen center, and the lakes along the Duck Lake Pass Trail I'd walked by earlier.

Herlihy Peak summit, view toward Duck Lake (far left).

I dropped off Herlihy Peak via its easy slope, which was steep, but far less sketchy.

A straightforward traverse back to the ridgeline. I recommend just using this route.

View back. The south ridge is above me, but as you can see it's totally avoidable.

Descending back to Duck Lake Pass, center.

View back up toward Herlihy Peak shortly before reaching Duck Lake Pass.
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