Hiking along the dirt road.

It was a pretty walk on this old road. Burlier vehicles can probably drive all of this.

Just past the road junction where I headed left. Drum Mountains High Point seen ahead.

My ascent led up the drainage on the left, descent was from the ridge on the right.

Up the drainage.

It starting becoming narrower and more brushy.

When the brush got too annoying, I headed out of the drainage and ascended left.

View back before ascending.

Leaving the drainage, heading to the ridge on the left.

View back the way I came.

On Drum Mountains High Point's west ridge.

Steep, barely Class 2.

Drum Mountains High Point ahead.

View back along the ridgeline.

Drum Mountains High Point summit, view south.

I took the steep ridge as my descent. There's a hump along the way, seen ahead.

View back up at the my progress down the ridge.

Steep descent. The old road I came in on is seen center.

Just a nice view along the way down toward other peaks in the Drum Mountains.
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