Head up the official Double Arch Canyon Trail.

You can see Double Arch above on the right.

End of the official Double Arch Canyon Trail. Keep right at the sign.

Heading up a side canyon on a social trail.

Looking down the social trail.

The side canyon/gully levels out in a grassy area. Keep right, paralleling the canyon/gull you just came up, despite the many social trails leading all over the place.

The correct social trail - the gully you just came up is just to the right, below the cliff.

This was taken on one of the incorrect social trails - if you follow the grassy section too far up, you'll get some nice views but won't see Double Arch.

Continuing along the correct social trail - you can start to see Double Arch toward the center of this photo.

Double Arch ahead! Scramble down the gully and skirt the cliff edge to get ther.

Double Arch!

Looking down toward the trailhead.
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