Bulldog Canyon gate. East Dome Mountain seen top center.

After hiking along the ATV road for a bit, a view of East Dome Mountain (right), Dome Mountain (center), and South Dome Mountain (left).

Progress along the ATV road toward the base of the peaks.

A nice trail on the right, which I took. I'd be returning from the left later.

Along the excellent trail.

Very pretty cliffs as I ascend beneath the western base of East Dome Mountain.

A view along the trail toward Dome (right) and South Dome (left).

View back along the trail.

Some nice brightly-colored rock. The trail leads up to the saddle seen center.

At the saddle of Dome and East Dome, heading first to East Dome. The trail is less easy to follow here.

View back toward the saddle, Dome Mountain seen center.

Ascending the social trail to East Dome Mountain.

Nearing the summit, view toward Dome and South Dome.

East Dome Mountain summit, view toward the Superstition ridgeline.

East Dome summit, view north.

Close-up toward the Four Peaks.

Back at the saddle, onward to Dome Mountain.

Lovely trail leading up Dome Mountain. The trail avoids the rocky spine on the left, keeping to its right.

Below the spine, ascending to the slope above.

View back at the top of the spine.

Class 2 (barely) final ascent to Dome Mountain.

View back from just below the summit, East Dome Mountain seen center.

Dropping off Dome Mountain, heading toward South Dome Mountain.

South Dome Mountain ahead.

View back up toward Dome Mountain.

A small cliff just below me a minor obstacle required to reach the saddle, avoidable on the right.

View back toward the saddle/notch. Dome Mountain seen top left.

I kept right of the rocky ridge, side-hilling on Class 2 to gain the summit of South Dome Mountain (top right).

Summit of South Dome Mountain.

Back at the saddle, descending via a steep slope.

View back up at a crucial class 2 weakness in a small cliff band.

Descending to the road seen right of center, the road I came in on. East Dome Mountain seen top left.

View back toward the slope I came down from, currently hiking within the drainage before it got too brushy and I had to leave it to find easier options to get to the road.
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