Dolly Varden Mountain, Peak 13093, and Sunshine Mountain in Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

Hike Dolly Varden Mountain, Peak 13093, and Sunshine Mountain Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

Class 2 6.9 miles 3200 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Aug 13, 2021

Dolly Varden Mountain, Peak 13093, and Sunshine Mountain GPX Track

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Peak 13093 and Sunshine Mountain are two 13ers overlooked due to their proximity to the slew of 14ers nearby, but they're great for a shorter outing and quite remote. On the way to getting these two peaks is Dolly Varden Mountain, a 12er. Marisa, Luke, and I wanted to hike a relatively short group of peaks and this fit the bill. We took some advice from our friend Ben Feinstein on how to approach these peaks and we followed his recommendation for much of the hike. The road leading to the trailhead is in decent condition, but it gets a little rocky and low clearance might have to go pretty slowly. This is the same road used to access Wetterhorn Peak, so if you can make it to the base of Matterhorn Creek Road, you can get to this hike. However, the last half mile to where we parked is extra rocky and would add about 1.5 miles round-trip if you don't want to drive it. Also note this Sunshine Mountain is not the same one as the popular nearby 14er Sushine Peak.

Surprisingly there was an actual trail at our trailhead. Unlabled on any of our maps, this trail follows the north fork of Henson Creek for a bit before emerging into a wide meadow beneath the gorgeous north face of Peak 13093, and then the trail disappeared. We continued northwest/west up a grassy slope and stumbled on another social trail of sorts. Really it doesn't matter if you find any social trails from here, just keep heading west until you get to the grassy ridgeline above. Once on the ridgeline we headed south and up to Dolly Varden Mountain. Along the way was some steep Class 2 talus, but otherwise just some light boulder-hopping much of the time.

A significant drop from Dolly Varden Mountain on rocky terrain led to the steep base of Peak 13093. From afar this peak honestly looks pretty daunting, but the west ridge goes at Class 2, with maybe a short Class 2+ move mixed in there due to the steepness of the talus. We stayed apart to avoid kicking rocks on one another since the ascent was loose enough to potential cause a rock slide. Peak 13093's summit gave a nice view of the entire route, and Sunshine Mountain was visible farther away than we thought it would be. Class 2 down from Peak 13093.

We risked a storm and had some graupel (a term I just learned, not quite snow, not quite hail) rain down on us as we made our way across the easy tundra to the summit of Sunshine Mountain. We headed northwest off Sunshine Mountain and descended the progressively steepening tundra slope with a couple of short rocky Class 2 sections, and then we entered the forest. You might notice a bunch of squiggling on our descent from Sunshine Mountain, a result of trying to avoid grassy cliffs and extra steep sections. There's definitely no one "right" way, but we were able to find a few animal trails to help guide us back to the trail we started on. There was also some light and not unpleasant bushwhacking.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Dolly Varden Mountain
12932 ft
292 rise
Peak 13093
13093 ft
333 rise
Sunshine Mountain
13321 ft
1081 rise

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Starting along a mysterious trail from where we parked.
Starting along a mysterious trail from where we parked.
The trail was a little marshy, but overall is surprisingly good shape.
The trail was a little marshy, but overall is surprisingly good shape.
Peak 13093 comes into view.
Peak 13093 comes into view.
The trail ended. We headed to the right up the slope that would eventually lead to the ridgeline above.
The trail ended. We headed to the right up the slope that would eventually lead to the ridgeline above.
View back down the slope as we ascend to the grassy ridge.
View back down the slope as we ascend to the grassy ridge.
Another shot of Luke and Marisa ascending the grassy slope to the ridge (ridge out of frame on the right). Peak 13093 visible left, Dolly Varden Mountain on the right.
Another shot of Luke and Marisa ascending the grassy slope to the ridge (ridge out of frame on the right). Peak 13093 visible left, Dolly Varden Mountain on the right.
We found some sort of social trail that led to the ridgeline.
We found some sort of social trail that led to the ridgeline.
Class 2 obstacle on the way to Dolly Varden Mountain.
Class 2 obstacle on the way to Dolly Varden Mountain.
View back at our progress. We came up from the trees on right in this photo. Uncomphagre, Wetterhorn, Coxcomb visible in the distance.
View back at our progress. We came up from the trees on right in this photo. Uncomphagre, Wetterhorn, Coxcomb visible in the distance.
Luke observing that we are, in fact, in the wilderness area.
Luke observing that we are, in fact, in the wilderness area.
A shot back as we ascend the rocky Class 2 to the summit of Dolly Varden Mountain.
A shot back as we ascend the rocky Class 2 to the summit of Dolly Varden Mountain.
Dolly Varden Mountain summit, view toward Wetterhorn Peak (center). We came up the valley in the center of this photo.
Dolly Varden Mountain summit, view toward Wetterhorn Peak (center). We came up the valley in the center of this photo.
Dolly Varden Mountain, view toward Peak 13093. Lightly rocky descent to reach the saddle.
Dolly Varden Mountain, view toward Peak 13093. Lightly rocky descent to reach the saddle.
Approaching the base of Peak 13093.
Approaching the base of Peak 13093.
Class 2 up Peak 13093.
Class 2 up Peak 13093.
Marisa scrambling the Class 2. What a nice happy smile.
Marisa scrambling the Class 2. What a nice happy smile.
Steeper Class 2 as we near the summit.
Steeper Class 2 as we near the summit.
Another shot back toward Dolly Varden Mountain as we near the summit of Peak 13093.
Another shot back toward Dolly Varden Mountain as we near the summit of Peak 13093.
Peak 13093 view toward Sunshine Mountain (left).
Peak 13093 view toward Sunshine Mountain (left).
Class 2 descent from Peak 13093.
Class 2 descent from Peak 13093.
All tundra to the summit of Sunshine Mountain.
All tundra to the summit of Sunshine Mountain.
View back toward Peak 13093.
View back toward Peak 13093.
Sunshine Mountain ahead, lots of tundra.
Sunshine Mountain ahead, lots of tundra.
Sushine Mountain ahead.
Sushine Mountain ahead.
Approaching the summit, view back along the tundra. Peak 13093 visible center.
Approaching the summit, view back along the tundra. Peak 13093 visible center.
Sunshine Mountain just up there.
Sunshine Mountain just up there.
Approaching Sunshine Mountain.
Approaching Sunshine Mountain.
Sunshine Mountain summit, view west toward Lake City.
Sunshine Mountain summit, view west toward Lake City.
Sunshine Mountain summit, view north toward Wetterhorn Peak (center) and Uncompahgre Peak (far right).
Sunshine Mountain summit, view north toward Wetterhorn Peak (center) and Uncompahgre Peak (far right).
Descending the tundra, headed generally northwest.
Descending the tundra, headed generally northwest.
Peak 13093 visible top left as we descend.
Peak 13093 visible top left as we descend.
Steep tundra with some light Class 2.
Steep tundra with some light Class 2.
Entering the forest.
Entering the forest.
Animal trails helped a lot of the time.
Animal trails helped a lot of the time.
Otherwise we had some light bushwhacking.
Otherwise we had some light bushwhacking.
Crossing North Fork of Henson Creek, where we re-joined the trail we came in on.
Crossing North Fork of Henson Creek, where we re-joined the trail we came in on.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!