Dog Canyon to Joplin Ridge in Lincoln National Forest, NM

Hike Dog Canyon to Joplin Ridge Lincoln National Forest, NM

Class 1 10.6 miles 3500 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Apr 10, 2016

Dog Canyon to Joplin Ridge GPX Track

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The Dog Canyon Trail (#106) starts from within Oliver Lee State Park and heads along the southern slope of Dog Canyon, where the views of the surrounding cliffs along the canyon are neat. The trail was in great shape and ascends with a bunch of switchbacks as it ascends to a grassy bench. This bench continues to an old cabin located about 3 miles from the trailhead and as the trail enters the Dog Canyon drainage at the base of a dryfall. The trail continues north, now skirting the slopes of the northern reaches of Dog Canyon, passes through the upper cliffs, and continues ascending up to Forest Road 90B where the trail officially ends along Joplin Ridge.

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View into Dog Canyon as I start along the trail.
View into Dog Canyon as I start along the trail.
Higher up along the Dog Canyon Trail, looking down into the canyon.
Higher up along the Dog Canyon Trail, looking down into the canyon.
Along a minor bench higher up.
Along a minor bench higher up.
View back toward Oliver Lee State Park.
View back toward Oliver Lee State Park.
Image 4 from gallery
View toward the interesting southern cliffs.
View toward the interesting southern cliffs.
Close-up of the cliffs of Dog Canyon.
Close-up of the cliffs of Dog Canyon.
Higher bench on an extended flat area.
Higher bench on an extended flat area.
Approaching the dryfall within the drainage of Dog Canyon.
Approaching the dryfall within the drainage of Dog Canyon.
An old cabin within the drainage.
An old cabin within the drainage.
Continuing along the northern slope of Dog Canyon.
Continuing along the northern slope of Dog Canyon.
View back into the canyon.
View back into the canyon.
Gorgeous cliffs higher up.
Gorgeous cliffs higher up.
View back as I continue through the cliffs on Dog Canyon's northern side.
View back as I continue through the cliffs on Dog Canyon's northern side.
Image 14 from gallery
View back again.
View back again.
A cool dryfall along the way.
A cool dryfall along the way.
The trail switchbacks and heads east, flattening out as it nears Joplin Ridge. This is a view down into Dog Canyon.
The trail switchbacks and heads east, flattening out as it nears Joplin Ridge. This is a view down into Dog Canyon.
The trail heads along the slope, mostly flat, as it continues to the upper trailhead.
The trail heads along the slope, mostly flat, as it continues to the upper trailhead.
Image 19 from gallery
A much different vibe up here than lower down.
A much different vibe up here than lower down.
A view toward the high point of Joplin Ridge as I near the upper trailhead.
A view toward the high point of Joplin Ridge as I near the upper trailhead.
Dog Canyon upper trailhead.
Dog Canyon upper trailhead.
View toward Joplin Ridge high point, but the Dog Canyon Trail ends here.
View toward Joplin Ridge high point, but the Dog Canyon Trail ends here.
View down into Dog Canyon.
View down into Dog Canyon.
White Sands visible in the distance.
White Sands visible in the distance.
Image 26 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!