Starting up the road toward the Modoc Mine. Dingleberry Peak is just right of center.

Working up Wholt's Welt. Refer to my Wildcat Peak trip report for more photos/description of the ascent into Wildcat Gully. You can see Wildcat Gully in the center as the diagonal green line. Dingleberry Peak is just right of that line, Wildcat Peak just left.

Heading into Wildcat Gully.

Avoiding brush to enter Wildcat Gully.

Working up Wildcat Gully.

Looking back down Wildcat Gully.

A Class 3 move, one of a few, as we worked up.

Well within Wildcat Gully, we crested a ridge separating Wildcat Gully with another gully just to the south. The gully to the south is visible here.

Looking back along the ridge we crested. Wildcat Gully is out of frame on the right.

Working up the gully south of Wildcat Gully.

Looking back down the way we came. It's honestly just a steep, brushy mess.

Nearing the top of our gully, mostly Class 2, some light Class 3.

One more look down the steepest section of the gully.

Dingleberry Peak is up top somewhere. You can see the ridgeline on the right, the saddle just south of Dingleberry Peak. We didn't go to the saddle. Instead, we headed to the canyon seen in the center of this photo.

It was a fair amount of bushwhacking and work to get into our ascent canyon choice. You can see Marta below.

Ascending the Class 2/3 canyon we chose.

At the top of the canyon, we started up a series of fun, exposed Class 3 moves.

Class 3 moves just below Dingleberry's summit.

Looking back into the canyon we ascended.

Some more scrambling just beneath Dingleberry's summit.

Dingleberry summit on the left. You can see Rabbit Ears on the right.

Looking south toward Organ Needle. Sugarloaf also visible on the left.
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