Steep road ahead. I decided to go on foot. Diamond Peak top right.

The 4WD road ends and the route continues on a trail. This trail leads to the gray ridge seen center.

View back toward the trail as it leads up the slope.

A pleasant trail, which sort of tricked me into thinking the ascent would be nicer than anticipted.

The trail reached the ridgeline.

After reaching the ridge, this is just a close-up of some cool features to the south (different lighting since I took this on the way back).

And then a very steep, eroded slope continued from the tundra and into the rocky nonsense.

View back down the steep, loose, eroded trail.

Above the eroded section, the terrain becomes nicer. Diamond Peak seen top left.

A view to the south at some cool rocky features.

View back along the ridgeline. My car is on the left/center somewhere.

Approaching the start of the scramble, initially only Class 2.

A short Class 3 move. I recommend sticking to the crest at all times when possible.

View back at the beginning of the scramble.

A small notch with another Class 3 potion on the other side.

Base of an extended Class 3 section.

view down the Class 3 section from the notch.

Onward, more Class 2.

View back at my progress.

An obvious trail section. After going over the small bump ahead, I encountered another Class 3 section.

Class 3 section. It was perfectly reasonable, but possibly avoidable on the right, though it looked loose over there.

View back down the Class 3 section.

A ledge leads around a rock outcropping, the only time I felt I needed to leave the ridge crest. It wraps around on the left and ascends on Class 2/2+.

Past the ledge wrap, Diamond Peak ahead (the orange thing popping out on the left).

Class 2+.

View back along the ridge.

Class 2 led to the summit from here.

View back again along the ridge.

The last quarter mile really eases up.

Diamond Peak ahead.

View north, just below the summit.

Close-up north.

View south.

View back along the ridge, east.
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