Starting north from where we parked.

Within a wash leading toward the southern ridge of Devils Thumb. Peak 3515 visible ahead.

View back as we ascend to the southern ridge of Devils Thumb. Spirit Mountain visible top left in the distance. We came up from the far right in this photo.

Devils Thumb ahead.

Close-up of Devils Thumn. We headed up to the cliff base.

Class 2 to reach the cliff base.

View back as we wrap around the cliff base.

Nearing the west side of the peak.

Chris at the base of the ascent. Fixed line not guaranteed to be there, of course.

Close-up of Chris on the fixed line to get above the otherwise difficult first few moves.

View back down from the top of the fixed line.

We came up from the gap on the right, Chris seen scoping out potential routes. Where I'm standing is the route we recommend.

Chris standing where I was in the previous photo, at the base of the Class 4 pitch.

Chris heading up the Class 4.

View down the Class 4.

Class 2/3 ledge past the Class 4.

Final somewhat exposed Class 3 move to pull the rim.

Devils Thumb summit, view toward Spirit Mountain. Peak 3515 visible center. The car is somewhere top right hidden by a hill.

Devils Thumb summit, view north. Lake Mohave seen right, Pinto Benchmark left.
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