After dropping down from the parking lot, we ascended on this slab. A social trail continued into Gifford Canyon. The first bunch of photos are repeats from another trip report with my friend Luke since I've documented this section of the route enough times already.

Within Gifford Canyon, which we followed for a while.

We left Gifford Canyon and ascended the slickrock slope.

Higher up, just beneath the cliff band above.

A social trail beneath the cliff band.

View back down into Gifford Canyon.

Along the social trail, well-cairned.

Another shot down into Gifford Canyon.

The social trail wraps into the slickrock bowl, which you can start to see on the left there.

View back down into the slickrock bowl as we ascend out of it on its north side. Alternatively, you could traverse to its south side, seen top right, and get out that way.

On the sandy ridge between Destination Peak and Gifford Peak. The goal is to reach the diagonal tree-riddled slope in the center of this photo.

Class 2/3 descent from the sandy ridge.

The rest of the photos are from the day with Yoshi. Here you can see him on one of the many obstacles encountered when descending from the sandy ridge.

Reaching the bottom of the descent.

A view toward the route to Destination Peak. Head to the short-looking headwall seen left of center.

Below the headwall, a series of Class 3 ledges bringing us to its top.

Navigating the ledges.

Class 3 on the ledges.

View back toward the Class 2/3 descent we had just finished leading down from the sandy ledge.

At the top of the headwall, a view toward the route up Destination Peak.

View down as we start up the slabs. Seen below is the canyon used to access Bridge Mountain.

Gaining the gully higher up.

View back before we enter the gully.

Class 2 within the gully leads to the Class 3 moves at the base of the bush seen ahead. Just above the Class 3 section, a Class 4 crux appears on the left (in the sunlight).

Class 3 on blocky sandstone.

Yoshi on the Class 4 move.

Above the Class 4 crux.

At the crest of Destination Peak, heading toward the summit.

Yoshi scrambling along the crest.

A Class 3 headwall below the summit. We headed toward the center, then wrapped left on a ledge.

Yoshi scrambling up the headwall, Bridge Mountain seen on the left.

Summit of Destination Peak, view east.

Summit of Destination Peak, view north toward the East Temple.

Summit of Destination Peak, view toward Gifford Peak.

Summit of Destination Peak, view nrothwest. (Photo from 2015)

Close-up toward Bridge Mountain. (Photo from 2015)

Close-up toward Mount Spry. (Photo from 2015)

Quicksand! (Photo from 2015)
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