An old road converted trail leads into the wilderness.

The trail follows a wash.

The wash passes a few hoodoos.

Wash gets boring.

And then I decided to leave the wash and get up on the rim. This was a canyon that dead-ended, but I'm sure there are plenty that would work.

You can see the rim in the distance.

Heading into a little canyon to attempt to find a way onto the rim.

Scrambling out of the canyon and up onto the rim.

Greeted by hoodoos. I had no idea what to expect. This was amazing.

A view from the top of the rim, looking back down.

Looking along the rim.


The mushroom hoodoos on the left I called Double Dose. Whatever. It's better than "Mushroom Hoodoos", which is what I predict they would be named if they had a name. Anyway.

This was my favorite section of the whole day. Ridiculously weird formations.

Black lumps along the rim.

Black lumps leading back to the rim.

Overlooking the rim, facing west.

Facing north, back toward the rim the way I came.

I stumbled upon petrified trees hanging over the edge of the cliff. Incredible.

I took too many photos of these trees, but I really thought they were super cool.

Look at that! Cliffhanger trees.

A random arch in a hoodoo.

My chosen ramp down. There didn't seem to be munch more farther east, so I decided to finish my loop.

And headed back to the trail/wash leading to my car.
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