Passing over the dam on the east side of Upper Blue Lake. Deadwood Peak seen on the right.

The Grouse Lake Trail ascends gradually through the forest.

Deadwood Peak seen ahead.

Entering the Mokelumne Wilderness.

Passing a cute little pond.

View back along the Grouse Lake Trail.

Meadows along the Grouse Lake Trail.

Granite Lake.

Wildflowers and pretty Granite slopes near Granite Lake.

View back at Granite Lake.

Onward through sparsely-forested terrain.

Deadwood Peak seen ahead, but the trail navigates around the granite lumps seen ahead.

View back, Meadow Lake seen below.

View back along the trail.

Meadows and granite, pretty scenery along the Grouse Lake Trail.

View back as we near the base of Deadwood Peak.

One of a few steep sections of trail ahead.

Approaching the high point of the Grouse Lake Trail, where we left the trail. We headed up to the gully seen above Chris.

Tundra walk up the gully.

View back down the gully toward the Grouse Lake Trail.

Ascending to the east ridge of Deadwood Peak.

View back along the way up to Deadwood Peak.

Wider shot looking back, Upper Blue Lake seen left.

Deadwood Peak just ahead.

Deadwood Peak summit, view east.

Deadwood Peak summit, view north.

Deadwood Peak summit, view west toward Grouse Lake.
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