Dead Horse Ridge visible top right. I headed though the desert to the wash visible left of center.

Within the wash.

View back through the open desert.

Ascending the wash.

Brush was minimal and easy to avoid.

The narrowest section of the wash, nothing too special.

An easy Class 3 cliff band within the drainage.

View back at my progress.

Ascending the main drainage.

Easy Class 3 move.

Another Class 3 cliff band, the last and most difficult move.

Slightly more brushy, but still not bad as I make my way to the saddle above.

View back into the main drainage, view from the saddle of Saddle Mountain and Dead Horse Ridge.

Dead Horse Ridge Ahead. Hayford Peak visible on the distant left.

View back, Saddle Mountain visible on the right.

Dead Horse Ridge ahead.

Summit of Dead Horse Ridge, view south.

Summit of Dead Horse Ridge, view northwest. My car is down there somewhere.

On my way back from Dead Horse Ridge, Saddle Mountain next, visible ahead.

Class 2 up to Saddle Mountain.

View down the slope leading to Saddle Mountain, Dead Horse Ridge visible center.

Saddle Mountain, view down into the drainage I ascended from. Area 51 is out there somewhere.

Saddle Mountain, view east toward some really obscure peaks.
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