Walking along a dirt road that I didn't want to drive my car on. The start of my ascent ridge visible in the center, heading left.

Ascending the ridge (left). A massive gully separates the ridge from Davidson Peak (top right).

Along the ridge.

Looking back along the ridge. Little Davidson Peak visible top right.

Avoiding some sketchy rocks by keeping on the south side of the ridge about halfway up.

Hugging the cliffs. Find a nice spot to ascend on the right to regain the ridge crest.

Looking back as I continue to hug the cliff face.

After getting back to the crest, this is the view toward Davidson Peak (left).

Pleasant slope.

Looking back along the ridge I ascended.

Fun limestone slab section.

Approaching the summit ridge, Moapa Peak visible left.

Summit ridge.

Looking back along the ridge I ascended.

Summit ridge again, pretty cliff on the left.

Close-up of Moapa (left) and Mormon (right).
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