Dark Angel via Devil’s Garden Primitive Loop in Arches National Park, UT

Hike Dark Angel via Devil’s Garden Primitive Loop Arches National Park, UT

Class 1 7.8 miles 1500 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Nov 6, 2018

Dark Angel via Devil’s Garden Primitive Loop GPX Track

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This is a really nice loop in Arches National Park that leads you to 7 named arches, a phallic rock, and countless unnamed minor arches. Starting from the Devil's Playground Trailhead, follow the main trail for a while, with short detours to Pine Tree Arach and Tunnel Arch, until you see the stunning Landscape Arch on the left. The Devil's Playground Primitive Trail leaves the main trail from here and is easy to follow until you enter the section with big rock fins, and cairns lead the way through the maze. I got backtracked once and ended up at an unnamed arch, but otherwise it was easy going. Eventually, you'll hit the junction with the main trail, where you'll see Double O Arch, my favorite of the day. Continue northwest toward Dark Angel, just a big rock pinnacle. Head back along the main trail, taking a detour to Navajo Arch and Partition Arch.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting out from the Devil's Garden trailhead.
Starting out from the Devil's Garden trailhead.
Image 1 from gallery
Junction to go see Tunnel Arch and Pine Tree Arch.
Junction to go see Tunnel Arch and Pine Tree Arch.
Tunnel Arch.
Tunnel Arch.
Pine Tree Arch.
Pine Tree Arch.
Image 5 from gallery
Landscape Arch off on the left.
Landscape Arch off on the left.
Close-up of Landscape Arch, just before the junction with the Primitive Trail.
Close-up of Landscape Arch, just before the junction with the Primitive Trail.
Close-up of Landscape Arch (I took this photo on a previous visit when there was better lighting).
Close-up of Landscape Arch (I took this photo on a previous visit when there was better lighting).
Looking back along the Primitive Trail, La Sal Mountains in the distance.
Looking back along the Primitive Trail, La Sal Mountains in the distance.
Fins along the Primitive Trail.
Fins along the Primitive Trail.
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Image 12 from gallery
Image 13 from gallery
Cairns mark the route over some fins, and it might be a little hard to find the trail at certain points.
Cairns mark the route over some fins, and it might be a little hard to find the trail at certain points.
Image 15 from gallery
Unnamed arch along the way.
Unnamed arch along the way.
Image 17 from gallery
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
Image 19 from gallery
Private Arch.
Private Arch.
Private Arch.
Private Arch.
Continuing along the Primitive Trail.
Continuing along the Primitive Trail.
Image 23 from gallery
Double O Arch.
Double O Arch.
Dark Angel in the distance.
Dark Angel in the distance.
Looking back, La Sal Mountains on the right, Double O Arch visible on the left.
Looking back, La Sal Mountains on the right, Double O Arch visible on the left.
Dark Angel.
Dark Angel.
Back just past Double O Arch, looking back toward Dark Angel.
Back just past Double O Arch, looking back toward Dark Angel.
Views along the Devil's Garden Trail.
Views along the Devil's Garden Trail.
Trail follows a rock fin on the Devil's Garden Trail.
Trail follows a rock fin on the Devil's Garden Trail.
Image 31 from gallery
Detour to Partition Arch.
Detour to Partition Arch.
Partition Arch.
Partition Arch.
Navajo Arch.
Navajo Arch.
Navajo Arch.
Navajo Arch.
Almost back to the junction with Landscape Arch, completing the loop.
Almost back to the junction with Landscape Arch, completing the loop.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!