From the trailhead, I followed this old road.

Lumpy desert terrain ahead, Dam View Point seen up top.

Ascending a boulder drainage.

Class 2/2+ up some talus and a short slab.

View back, my car top right.

Approaching Dam View Point.

View toward Fortification Hill.

Dam View Point, looking toward the Hoover Dam and Promontory Point.

Close-up of the Hoover Dam.

Close-up at the low water level within Lake Mead.

I descended south along the lumpy landscape.

I then descended a drainage to reach the north side of Peak 1877, seen top right.

Base of Peak 1877.

View back into the drainage I descended through.

Class 2.

Peak 1877 summit, view west.

On my way down from Peak 1877, trailhead right of center, Fortification Hill seen left.
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