Daisy Mountain ahead.

Wide trail. Gavilan Peak seen on the left, which is on private property.

Approaching the base of Daisy Mountain.

A side-trail leads closer to the slopes, becoming single track.

Traversing the slopes.

Ascending on tight switchbacks to the ridge.

Along the southwestern ridge.

Ascending to Daisy Mountain - South Peak.

A nice trail up to the top.

View back down just below Daisy Mountain - South Peak.

Daisy Mountain - South Peak, view toward the high point over there.

Along the ridge to Daisy Mountain.

Approaching Daisy Mountain.

Daisy Mountain, view back toward the South Peak.

Daisy Mountain.

Heading down the north side of Daisy Mountain.

View back up.

Nice trail to the upper 4WD parking area.

Just before the upper parking lot, a view back up at Daisy Mountain.

A short hike along the road before I took this unmarked trail on the left, rather than taking the standard trail back.

Hiking along this unmarked trail, Daisy Mountain seen center.

Progressively getting back to the main trail system.

I soon completed a lollipop loop.
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