A junction within the Paso Picacho Campground with the Azalea Glen Trail. I chose to hike the fire road.

Cuyamaca Peak seen top left along the paved fire road.

View back, Stonewall Peak seen on the left.

Progress along the fire road to Cuyamaca Peak.

Entering unburned forest.

View back, Lake Cuyamaca seen below.

Cuyamaca Peak ahead.

View back as I near the summit.

Cuyamaca Peak ahead. The fire road doesn't lead to the true summit.

Class 2 Cuyamaca Peak summit block.

View south toward the summit tower and beyond.

Cuyamaca Peak, wide shot west toward Viejas Mountain and El Cajon Mountain.

Closer shot west.

Cuyamaca Peak summit, view toward Middle Peak (left), Lake Cuyamaca (center), Stonewall Peak (right).

I picked up the Conejos Trail, leading down Cuyamaca Peak's north slope.

Starting through forest.

And more open sections with some little meadows.

And then the trail descended into more shrubby terrain. Middle Peak seen on the right.

View back up after the Conejos Trail became more steep and a bit rockier.

Approaching the saddle with Middle Peak.

At the saddle, view back toward Cuyamaca Peak's north slope.

Into a meadow at the base of Middle Peak.

Starting up the Black Oak Trail toward Middle Peak.

View back through the meadow at the saddle toward Cuyamaca Peak.

Not great views along the Black Oak Trail.

View back toward the burn area at Cuyamaca Peak.

After joining the Middle Peak Fire Road, I headed up toward the true Middle Peak summit at this water container.

The social trail was really helpful, carved well through the brush.

View north along the social trail.

Cuyamaca Peak seen from the summit of Middle Peak.

Back along the Middle Peak Fire Road, descending from Middle Peak. Stonewall Peak seen poking out on the left.

Much lower down, Lake Cuyamaca seen over there.

Stonewall Peak ahead, my third peak for the loop.

After crossing CA-79, I took the Marty Minshall Trail.

View toward Cuyamaca Peak along the Marty Minshall Trail.

Flooded Lake Cuyamaca on the left.

I took the Los Vaqueros Trail, then the Los Caballos trail.

Stonewall Peak ahead, a pretty meadow along the way.

After a short spurt along the California Hiking and Riding Trail, now on the Stonewall Peak Trail. Summit ahead.

Switchbacks along the Stonewall Peak Trail.

Heading up the trail, Lake Cuyamaca seen left.

The trail steepens and introduces more switchbacks higher up.

View back toward Lake Cuyamaca.

Approaching the summit.


Looking back at the handrail-led traverse.

Stonewall Peak summit, view toward Lake Cuyamaca.

Close-up toward Cuyamaca Peak.

Heading down along the more popular side of the Stonewall Peak Trail.

Many long and slow switchbacks.

View back up toward Stonewall Peak before reaching the trailhead.
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