Starting north from the road in this sandy wash.

The wash narrows.

Interesting little canyon.

Once out of the canyon, I descended northwest (left) in this side-drainage.

After a bit of walking in the drainage, I came across this Class 3 dryfall on the right. Scramble up this. It's easy to miss.

Above the dryfall in another small wash. Head toward the shadowy canyon on the left. It's not as obvious as you'd think.

A close-up of the narrow canyon I recommend entering.

The canyon narrows and makes a hard right, leading to this boulder-choked crevasse.

One of three talus cave boulder obstacles. Scramble underneath.

Inside one of the talus caves, avoiding difficult scrambling by instead navigating through the boulders. Super fun.

Continuing up the canyon to the head (center).

At the head, looking north at the Class 3 gully.

Looking back down the gully. The head of the canyon I ascended is still visible in the center.

Approaching the Class 3+ rock rib move, still within the gully system.

Looking down the Class 3+ rock rib move. Only slightly exposed, but required some thought.

Once out of the gully, the summit block required just a bit more Class 3 micro-navigating. Keep right here. You may be tempted by a Class 5 chimney in the center of this photo, but there's a much easier route to the right of the boulders.

Class 3 option.

Looking down the Class 3 bit just before the summit block.

Crimson Staircase summit, view northeast.

Crimson Staircase summit, view west toward Valley of Fire Peak.

A shot of the Class 3 chimney in the more direct descent route option.

View back up at the chimney on the more direct option.
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